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Daisy's POV
(A/N - I've written Daisy's POV as if she were an adult just to make it coherent to read but obviously she thinks this just in her 4 year old little mind)

The sun poured in through my curtains waking me up. I groaned and covered my head with my duvet. I fell back to sleep before being woken again by Poppy, the lady who runs the orphanage I live in, she's nice enough so long as you stay on her good side. I pulled myself out of bed and went into the bathroom, I'm not tall enough to reach the sinks so I have to climb up so I can sit on the side of them, I wash my face and brush my teeth before jumping back down and going back into my room to brush my hair. I go down to breakfast in my pyjamas, poppy sits me on my chair and I take a pancake from the table, I smile at her gently before taking a bite of my pancake, she waits for the rest of the kids to come down 'guys' she says and everyone looks up from her breakfast 'we've got people coming over today, a lot of potential parents for you guys so make sure you're looking your best okay?' We all nod before making our way back upstairs, as we walk up the stairs I look up at one of the older girls 'mollie', 'what?' She says sharply, 'what does potential mean?', 'doesn't matter no-ones gonna want you', she pushes me out the way before going into her room. I get myself back up before making my way back to my room, I look through my clothes and try to decide what to wear, I decide on a white dress with daisies on and little white socks with my white converse, I pick up a piece of white ribbon and make my way downstairs 'poppy' I call out as I walk into the main room, 'can you put this in my hair?', 'I'm busy daisy' she walks straight past me. The next 20 minutes I spend asking all the other kids to put my ribbon in but no-one will. The door bell goes and I hear poppy go and answer it, we all have to stand in a line in age order from oldest to youngest by the door and they walk down the line and pick who they want. I'm the youngest so I stand at the end of the line and people usually find someone before they get to me. As people start coming in I decide to try and put my ribbon in myself. I try a few times before giving up, my bottom lip sticks out and my face scrunches up.

Ashley's POV

As shay and I made our way inside, all the kids were lined up at the door, from oldest to youngest, I knew I wanted someone younger, I wanted to bring them up and enjoy them being a kid so we made our way down towards the end of the line. I spotted a little blonde girl on the end trying to tie a ribbon into her hair, I nudged shay and made my way over 'need a hand?' I asked her and bent down to her level, she was on the end so must have been the youngest 'yes please' she said in a small voice, I took the ribbon out of her hand and put her hair half up half down tying the ribbon to secure it, 'there you go princess' I said looking at her as she smiled 'thank you', 'you're welcome' I look up at shay as she smiles and nods slightly, we're both thinking the same thing. 'What's your name?' I ask her, 'I'm daisy' she says smiling down at her dress, I smile when she smiles 'how old are you?' She holds up three fingers 'three' I say 'no four' i look up at shay and laugh slightly 'but your fingers say three', 'no they don't!' She says then she looks at them 'oh' she puts another one up and giggles 'four', I laugh slightly 'you're perfect', 'no I'm daisy' she giggles 'what's your name?' 'Me?' I say 'well I'm Ashley, and this is my bestest friend Shannon' she puts her hand out towards you both 'nice to meet you' she says as she shakes both your hands 'you too little lady'. Shay stands back up and goes to find poppy as I look back at daisy 'how would you like to come home with me daisy?', a huge smile appears on her face as she nods 'I would love too' she wraps her arms around my neck 'do you want me to help you pack?' She nods slightly as I pick her.
After 10 minutes we've packed all her things and signed the paperwork needed, (A/N - I know it takes a while to adopt a child and it's not an instant thing but let's just pretend for this that it is) shay and I take her to the car  strapping her in. 'Are you hungry baby?' She nods slightly 'what would you like?' She shrugs 'I don't mind m..Ashley' 'McDonald's?' I ask as she nods, we go through the drive through ordering her a chicken nugget happy meal and shay and I get some mozzarella bites and 2 burgers and fries and eat them on the way home.

Adopted by Ashley Benson?!Where stories live. Discover now