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Ashley's POV

We're about 5 minutes from home when Lucy's song plays on the radio, shay and I smile at each other, I've known Lucy since I was 16, I'm so proud of her. When the chorus came I heard a little voice from the back of the car 'the truth is I'm falling to pieces any time that you're around' shay gets her phone out and records her secretly as Daisy sings along to the radio. The two of us smile and shay sends the video to Lucy 'you've got yourself some competition goose', she also sent the video to me.
We arrived home and shay went to open the door as I got daisy out of the car - she had a cheeky smile on her face as she ate her last chicken nugget. I laughed slightly and picked her up 'come on baby girl' I go to put her on the floor and she clings onto me like a monkey 'noooo carry' I pick her back up placing my arms around her picking up my purse taking her inside.
Shay put her stuff in her room before saying she had to go, I knew her well enough to know that she just wanted to give me some time with daisy but I didn't mind. I gave her a hug and told her I'd see her tomorrow, she nodded and quickly left. Daisy was sat on the couch taking her shoes off 'you okay little one?' I asked, she nodded slightly as one of them slipped off. Within a minute she had taken both her shoes off. 'Where's Shannon gone?' She asked looking up at me inquisitively, 'well she had to go back to her home, so it's just gonna be me and you, is that okay?' I answered her biting my lip, she nodded and climbed onto my lap 'this is gonna be so much fun' she said as I laughed slightly, this kid was too cute. 'So Daisy-waisy' I said and she giggled 'do you wanna see your room?' She nodded and smiled showing me all her teeth, I poked her nose gently and laughed slightly 'alright then, let's go'. I set her on the floor and walked upstairs, she followed me and then grabbed my hand as we got to the top, I looked down at her smiling up at me and I smiled back. I could do this, I thought to myself. We made our way into the room opposite my bedroom, at the moment there was just a double bed in there, it was the spare room. I knelt down in front of her, 'so this is going to be your room, and we can decorate it however you would like, we can paint it and get you a new bed, whatever you want to have in this room you can', she looked around and i could see her little eyes taking everything in, it was a couple of minutes before she looked at me 'you mean I can have it whatever colour I want?', I nodded and smiled at her 'whatever you want princess', she looked around the room again before looking back at me 'can I have Daisy's on it?'. I smiled sitting down pulling her into my lap, 'are Daisy's your favourite flower?' She nodded 'my mommys too' her eyes tilted to the floor and she played with her fingers 'dais..' I asked but her bottom lip started to quiver as I pulled her into a hug, tears rolled down her cheeks as she put her arms around my neck 'I miss my mommy' she said through sobs 'I know you do baby' I rubbed her back gently before getting up and laying on the bed with her, I sung softly until she calmed down and eventually we both fell asleep.

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