Medication: Ali Krieger

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Heather O'Reilly, or "HAO", opened her eyes, and the first thing she heard was her roommate mumbling. She said "you're mumbling, Kriegs. I can't  understand you." She didn't get a reply back so she sat up and saw Alexandra Blaire 'Ali' Krieger aka: Warrior, Kriegs,and Alex, already dressed and ready for game day when she suddenly said "I'll be right back. See you at breakfast." She grabbed her bag, phone, and room key before running out if the room to who knows where.

Rewind: earlier that morning apporoximatly 20 minutes before HAO woke up

Ali Krieger had just finished getting dressed and was about to take her daily medication. What medication you may ask? The one her doctor had prescribed her when she was 21 years old, the same age she almost died when she was at Penn State and had a pulmonary embolism. But something was different when she took the bottle out of her backpack. She opened it and saw........emptiness. It was empty, no pills at all in it. She started freaking out and mumbling to her self "No no no no." She then heard HAO say "you're mumbling Kriegs. I can't understand you." She then heard her roommate sit up so she grabbed her stuff and ran out yelling "I'll be right back. See you at breakfast." She ran off to the trainers' room, who were some of the few people that knew of the medication she took. She could feel her heart rate speeding up and immediately felt weak so she quickly knocked and the door opened and the trainer saw her condition and grabbed her and yelled "Help!" The other trainers came running in and immediately they got Ali laying down and her heart rate was too fast so they were able to calm it down and they asked her "Why didn't you take your medication, Krieger?" She looked at them before answering "I'm all out." They gasped and the quickly got Jill who came running in and saw her defender laying there. She went over and held her hand saying "Is she gonna be okay?" The trainer replied "Hopefully. If she doesn't play in today's game, it will give us enough time to get her medication." She nodded and said "Hear that, Ali? You're gonna be okay." Ali nodded and sat up saying "I'm sorry. I should've been paying attention to how many pills I had left." Jill rubbed her back and they checked her pulse. It had calmed down so they went to breakfast.

Location change: breakfast area

HAO was confused. Ali said she would see her at breakfast, but she wasn't here yet. She was just gone. She had asked some of the other girls, and they told her they hadn't seen Ali yet that morning. The doors opened and the trainers, coaches and Ali came in. Ali looked weak and not her normal self. HAO smiled at Ali, who sat next to her, and said "Finally. I was wondering where you were, kiddo." Ali smiled and replied "I needed to see the trainers about something."

Time skip: pre game meeting

The team was sitting waiting for Jill to get started and she told them the line up



Alex Morgan

Tobin heath
Carli Lloyd
Morgan Brian
Megan Rapinoe

Meghan Klingenberg
Becky Sauerbrunn  
Julie Johnston
Christie Rampone (captain)


Hope Solo

The defense shocked everyone, and they were all questioning why Ali wasn't a starting, so Jill asked Ali to tell them why. She got up and walked to the front standing straight up and said "I have been taking a pill every morning since I was 21 years old when I had my pulmonary embolism, and I ran out of my Meds this morning. Since I haven't taken it, I can't play due to if my heart rate speeds up too fast, I could have a heart attack and die on the field." That shocked everyone.

Time skip: Game time.

Ali sat with a trainer as the game started and tried to keep her heart rate normal.

By the end of the first half, they were up 7-0.

Time skip: end of Match

They won 16-0 (crazy huh)

As they got to the hotel the receptionist said "Coach Jill Ellis." Jill replied "Yes." She held a bag in hand so Jill shouted "Ali!!" Ali looked over from where the trainers were taking her heart rate and saw the bag and smiled and walked over and said "Thank you." She opened the bag and smiled at her medication so she took out one of the pills and took it with a water bottle she had in her backpack.

She felt better already.

After that, Ali never forgot to tell anyone about her medication.

End of chapter

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