Wisdom Teeth: Morgan Brian/ Meghan Klingenberg

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Meghan Klingenberg was sitting in a dentist's waiting room with her host family in Houston. Why was she at a dentist's office you may ask? Well it wasn't for her, it was for her best friend and fellow host sister in Houston: Morgan Paige Brian. Morgan was getting her wisdom teeth out, and Meghan had gotten that done when she was 17, so she knew what it was gonna feel like. Suddenly the door opened and the nurse said "Family of Morgan Brian?" Jeff and Kim got up and told Meghan to sit and wait, so she waited.

With Jeff and Kim:

They walked with the nurse down a hallway and into a room and they walked in and saw their host daughter sitting in a chair so they walked in and Kim said "Hey Morgan. How are you doing, sweetie?" Morgan looked at them with a confused expression but then recognized them and said "Hehe I fell all numb..." She was then helped into a wheelchair and wheeled out. As they wheeled her out she asked "Meggy?!" Cause she saw Meghan's figure, who stood up and hugged her slightly saying "Hey, MoMo." She smiled and giggled before replying "Hey Meggy." She looked away and smiled but winced.
They then wheeled her to the car and she was able to get her in with Kling holding her hand. The car ride was silent then Kim turned in her seat and said "How are you doing, Morgan?" "Sore." She passed a ice pack and told her to put it on her face "oh!" She tried to smile but it hurt. Kling rubbed her knee and said "Don't smile if it hurts, kiddo." Moe nodded.

As they got home Kling and Kim got on either side of Morgan and Jeff ran in to get the door. As they got her in they were told by Jeff to bring Moe into the living room where they had a chair ready for her. They got her in and into the chair. Meghan rubbed her arm as Kim and Jeff talked quietly in the kitchen. Jeff pulled his wife into the kitchen and told her while she searched for the jello they bought "She's gonna be fine it's just her wisdom teeth." "I know Jeff. It's just...what do we do? She is numb and can't eat anything." He was about to reply when Meghan came in and said "Hey I have to go call the dash and US soccer to tell them how Moe is doing, cause she's out of soccer for a while. Also, we have the next week off, so I can stay home and take care of her. I've had mine out, and I can talk to my parents about what they did." They smiled and replied "Okay, Meghan." She walked away then.

With Meghan:
She didn't wanna leave Moe but she HAD to make these calls.

She called US SOCCER first
Too lazy to put that phone call.

Next was Jill Ellis
Jill answered on the 2nd ring
"Hey Kling. What's up?"
"Hey Jill. I just wanted to let you know that Moe is out of soccer for a while."
"What?! Why?!"
"She just got her wisdom teeth taken out today."
"Oh. Alright. How long do you think she will be out for?"
"I'm not sure. We just got home."
"Okay. Thanks for letting me know, Meghan. Talk to you soon."
"Okay. See you, Jill."

End of convo

Time to call the Dash

The dash manager picked up on the first ring

"Hey Kling. What's up?" 
"I was just wanting to tell you that Morgan Brian is probablygonna be out for a while."
"oh, okay. Why?"
"She just had her wisdom teeth taken out."
"oh. How is she doing?"
"She's numb and sore."
"Okay that's good. Thanks for letting us know. Talk to you soon, and keep us updated."
" Okay. Will do. Bye."
" Bye."

She hung up and walked back to Morgan.

She walked over and smiled and said " Hey MoMo." " Meggy?" She had been playing with her long brown hair at the time. "It's me, sweets." Then Jeff and Kim came in, and Kim asked "How're you doing, kiddo?" "I'm sore. The numbness is disappearing." Her phone was beside her so she quickly texted Kling "I don't feel like talking. My face is too sore." Kling got the text and told Jeff and Kim it before she placed a hand on Moe's knee.

Later that night

Morgan was trying to sleep but was failing miserably. She liked beds and floors more than chairs. Kim came into the room and gently placed a hand on Morgan's shoulder saying "Wanna lay in bed instead?" Morgan nodded, so Kim called in Kling and they were able to stand the 22 year old up and get her up the stairs. After getting her in bed, they gave her her prescribed medications before she fell asleep.

Time skip: 2 weeks later

Morgan was walking with Kling, finally able to play soccer again.

She walked into the locker room and was hugged by her teammates. She was glad to be back. Even with all the pain and soreness, she was back.

End of chapter

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