Stalker: MoeXLauren

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Morgan Brian was getting stalked she had seen the same person on her twitter, Instagram her Facebook like page, at games ( for both Houston and USWNT), open practices, airports, even on the streets. She was freaking out and the team saw it. She was constantly looking over her shoulder and always glancing around looking scared so finally Cheney grabbed her one day and pulled her aside and held her still. She then said " Morgan Paige Brian tell me the truth.....what is going on with you anymore now?!" Morgan wasn't looking at her so Lauren tilted  her head and made her look her in the eyes " tell me Morgan or I will bring in Jill or worse your parents." Moe lifted her head up and said " I'm being stalked I think." Lauren gasped and said " who is it show me!" She was angry so Moe calmed her down and told her " it's fine okay I got it under control." Lauren looked at her and replied with " Really Morgan Paige....really?" " yes ansd stop using my full name please you sound like my mom." " Maybe I should bring in, Jill, Cap or your parents then." " NO!! Don't please Lauren." Lauren nodded and sent Moe away but sighed and decided to go against moe and talk to Jill.

So she walked to the coaches room and knocked and heard " come in." She opened the door and saw all the coaches and they all said " Hey Lauren/Cheney." Lauren took a deep breathe and asked " can I talk to you about something?" Jill replied " sure what's up?" " it's about Moe." They all looked up and Jill asked " what about Moe?" " she's being stalked." The coaches all sat up a bit straighter and Jill asked " wait what?!" Lauren nodded and replied " that's why she's been acting so weird and why she never leaves the hotel except with the team." They nodded and Lauren rubbed the back of her neck before saying " I dorm know what to do." Suddenly the goalkeeper coach snapped his fingers and said " I got it." They all looked at him quizily " steal her phone so we can look at everything." They nodded and formed a plan on how to steal it. They decided on distracting Moe and then grabbing it quickly. Luckily there were a few people who knew the password, Moe ( obviously), Kling, Lauren, and lastly her boyfriend Eric. So they were going to use Kling as bait and Lauren to steal the phone.

That afternoon:
Moe was sitting in her hotel room hanging out texting Eric when Kling came in...

Now about 15-17 minutes later something happened..

Rewind 15-17 minutes later

Meghan Klingenberg was walking to her own hotel room she shared with Becky when she was suddenly grabbed from behind and dragged away. She started struggling and using her black belt to get away but was held tightly by the person. She was then taken to a room and sat in a chair. She opened her eyes and saw the all the coaches plus Lauren Holiday standing in front of her. She immediately said  " okay whatever you think I did. I didn't do it!"   They looked at her and then Jill told her " we need your help." Then Lauren cut to the chase explaining everything that had been going on with Moe and what the plan was. So Kling went and changed into her swimsuit, shorts, tank top, flip flops and grabbing sunscreen, magazine, sunglasses and a hat. Before heading to Moe's room.

Present time.

Kling came in and said " suit up Morgan we are going to the pool and today is a no electronics day for us so say goodbye to whoever you are texting and let's go." Moe smiled at her best friend and replied " let's do this." Before throwing her phone onto her bed and then grabbing her swimsuit, shorts and tank and disappearing into the bathroom to change clothes. Then she came out and they left after she grabbed her shoes, sunglasses and hat.

Then Lauren walked into the shared room she had with Moe and walked over to where Moe's phone was a entered the pass code to find it wrong and then she tried again and again until suddenly Moe's phone locked her out and said the time was 3 hours left until can be re unlocked.

The plan failed...Moe changed her phone pass code and didn't tell anyone. Unless she suspected them.

Time Skip: 3 hours later

Lauren was hanging out with her fellow new kids when Moe came up to her and said "I can not believe you Lauren Holiday!" Her fellow new kids glanced at her and then Lauren stood up and dragged Moe away and into the coaches office. Moe was confused she knew so she sat her into the same chair Meghan ( Kling) had been placed in about 3 hours ago. Then the coaches walked in and saw the situation and started interrogating Moe. She immediately told them the same thing she told Lauren " I have it under control. He is blocked on everything." They nodded and let her go to her room. Lauren sat where Moe had just been and said " what are we going to do." They didn't know what to do.

Time skip: 1 week later

Moe had gotten a text message from Eric saying he was in town and wanted to meet up and he missed her. So she told Jill where she was going and left.

Suddenly she got pulled into an alleyway and started getting beat up and she didn't know what to do so she screamed and clawed. Soon she was let go and she laid there for a while. She was sobbing and she couldn't stop so finally she was able to get but in pain. She brushed off the dirt and grime so she walked stiffly back to the hotel.

With Lauren:

Lauren stayed up waiting for Moe and was sitting outside their door to their room. Suddenly Moe came down the hallway and was limping and looked terrible. Eric?! Lauren thought. ( it wasn't Eric) she ran up to her and said " Moe! Are you okay?!" Morgan didn't hear her until she ran right into her and started crying in pain. So Lauren picked her up and carried her to their room. She gently laid Moe down and then went to her suit case where she had a first aid case stored and went over to Moe and asked quietly " what happened?!" " I was going to meet Eric and..." She couldn't continue though she started crying. Lauren suddenly remembered getting the text message and said " Moe, Eric texted me saying that he lost his phone and had to get a new one and then that means it was your stalker that  hurt you! We have to tell Jill!" She ran out and to Jill's room and knocked loudly and her head coach opened the door and asked " what's up Lauren?" " it's Moe....she got hurt.." She left it at that and Jill shouted for Dawn and the two followed Lauren to her room and saw Moe laying there crying in pain. They ran over and Lauren calmed her down before saying " it's okay sweetie let's take a look at your injuries baby girl." They sat her up and took off her shirt and saw the deep bruises the worst on her rib cage. Dawn said " I'm going to grab my kit along with ice for these rib cage injuries." They nodded and Dawn ran off coming back with one of the women trainers. They started touching Moe's ribs and whispering to each other until finally Dawn said " deep bruising nothing fractured or broken from what we can tell." Lauren nodded but Moe was still whimpering so they placed the ice on her ribs before checking other injuries before asking " Morgan did they touch you in anyway?"moe shook her head no still in pain so they gave her some pain medication to calm her down and to help her sleep.

Time skip: 1 week later

The team had been alerted about what happened and after a certain hour nobody was aloud to leave the hotel alone or even in a group. They needed permission and during training and games extra security was around the team. So after a game against Iceland ( just go with it) which they won 4-0 the uswnt was walking back to the bus when Lauren felt Moe freeze next to her and looked at her to see her looking scared so she whispered " Moe what's wrong?" " he's here Cheney..the man who hurt me." Immediately Lauren motioned it to Jill about it who told security and then as they got to the bus the man spotted Moe and started moving towards her and Moe started panicking next to her teammates who saw that. So the security grabbed him and they got Moe on the bus quickly. Lauren held her close as the injured and scared midfielder cried she was shaking also. The team quickly got on and left back to the hotel. They all stayed quiet and watched as Lauren calmed Moe down. Moe sobbed and soon stopped but was wide eyed and kept looking around mostly outside. Finally Jill spoke up saying " we got him. He's in Jail kiddo." They all sighed and Moe then calmed down and fell into a peaceful sleep for the first time in weeks.

She was safe..

End of chapter 

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