Taking Care of You: Moe and Cheney

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Lauren Holiday was sitting in the relaxing room with a book, when Morgan Brian came in and said very quietly "Cheney..." Cheney looked up and saw her and said "Moe, what's wrong? Come here." Moe walked over and said, still quiet "I don't feel well, Lauren." She sat next to her and Lauren helped her lay down in her lap and she rubbed her back and asked "What doesn't feel well?  Cramps or sick?" "sick. Throat, head and just don't feel well." "Oh, sweetie. It's okay. Why don't you go to sleep." Moe slowly dozed off and fell sound asleep.

Time skip: 3 hours later

Lauren had just about finished her book when Jill and Dawn walked in and Jill said "Oh, there you are Lauren. We were wondering where you two were." "Yeah. I was reading and Moe came in, and she doesn't feel well, so I had her lay down." Dawn bent down and said "What's wrong with her?" Gently brushing a strand of hair out of Moe's face. "Her head and throat just really hurt, she said." Jill and Dawn nodded and they didn't want to but they went ahead and woke her up. Morgan moaned and curled up into a tighter ball and Lauren rubbed her back saying "Wake up, baby girl. We need to see how you're feeling. Jill and Dawn are here." The young midfielder opened her eyes and said "I don't feel well." "We know. We know " they sat her up and Morgan was pale. They took her temperature and she had a slight fever. She was told to go to bed and not to worry about training and Lauren could stay and take care of her until she gets better.

That night, it was dinner time and Lauren and Moe weren't there, then Lauren suddenly came in grabbed 2 plates of food nodded to the coaches and walked out.

When the team was heading upstairs for a movie night, they were being loud and rowdy so suddenly they heard Lauren's voice say "Could you be a little quieter? you're going to wake up Moe." They knew Morgan didn't go to sleep that early so Abby and Christie went over and Christie asked "Morgan never goes to bed this early, and we saw you grab two plates of food.What's up?" Lauren was about to answer when they heard moving around and suddenly a tired and disheveled Morgan Brian came to the door and Lauren grabbed her and said "Why are you awake? You need to sleep." " I got woken up. I also feel worse." She coughed after that. Lauren gave them a 1 minute finger and led Moe to bed and laid her down on her bed and said "Sleep now." Morgan fell asleep and Lauren placed a hand on the youngsters head and sighed before grabbing a wash cloth, wetting it and placing it on her forehead. She then walked back to Abby and Christie and told them "She's sick today. Like, really sick. She's slept like all day and nothing is working." They nodded and Abby said "If you need anything let us know at any hour." Lauren nodded and told them " good night." " night." The team all said.

That night, Lauren was dozing off, and she thought Morgan was asleep when she suddenly heard coughing. She sat up and went over to Morgan and calmed her down.

Morgan stopped coughing and she was shaking her fever was higher so she did the one thing she could thing of: call Christie. She grabbed her hotel phone and dialed the captain's room number and heard a groggily "Hello?" "Christie it's Lauren. I need your help. Moe is getting worse, I think." "Okay be right there." ten seconds later a knock sounded and Lauren took one last look at Morgan before getting the door. Christie stood there and she came in and took one look at Moe before saying "I'm calling 911 you call Jill and Dawn." That shocked Lauren so she did as she was told and Jill and Dawn came sprinting in. They got there at the same time as the paramedics. Lauren went with her and was told it was going to be a rough night.

The team was confused as to what was going on, so Jill told them what happened and they all headed to the hospital and saw Lauren pacing in her Nike sweats and Kansas City t-shirt, her curly hair a tangled mess. They walked over and hugged her and she started crying to their arms. Lauren sobbed and said "They...said...she is going have a rough...night." They were in shock.

It turns out Moe would be fine, and she lived through the night.

Time skip: 3 weeks later

Moe was doing a lot better, but was still pretty weak and could not play.

Lauren did take care of her, even though she got hospitalized.

End of chapter

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