Chapter 3

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On the way back to the apartments, I didn't talk to anyone and stared out the window, watching the ruined city of Los Santos go by. With just a sliver of amusement I thought, I think it actually looks better now. 

Wincing, I shifted my weight in my seat, and readjusted the icepack that lay on my neck. Mini, aka Craig, who was driving the tuner, looked at me. "You okay?"

I nodded and tried to let the conversation slide, but Moo – who was sitting in the back with Nogla – stuck his face through the gap in Mini and I's seats. "Are you sure, Evan?" he asked, "I don't like seeing you like this."

My frustration growing, I replied, "Yes, I'm sure. I'm just really tired." I looked out the window and Moo settled back into his seat. My thoughts were racing through my head, though, and everyone could see that. I didn't like how they thought I needed their help. Not that I didn't appreciate it; I just didn't need it.

This was something that the crew doesn't need to worry about. A burden I have to carry.


But it was kinda hard to brood while David and Craig were having an argument about potato's.


As we neared HQ, or what we call the Buttcave (Mae excluded of course), Mini radioed in that we were approaching. Ryan, aka Ohm, and Scotty, aka Fourzero, stood at the top of the wall that flanked the gate. Topped with sandbags and crows nests with mounted machine guns, the Buttcave looked like a fucking fortress. Even a month after its construction, I was still awed by it. Which is good; that's the message we want to convey. The walls were made from those big shipping containers, metal sheeting, and any other shit would could put our hands on, which, believe me, is a crap ton. Don't ask me how we got all this shit here because I honestly have no fucking clue.

Now Ohm and Fourzero didn't open the gate themselves, well not right now at least. Our gate is electrical, and before you shit your pants and ask, yes we have electricity (duh). It's amazing what twelve generators and money can do. The gate's is a steel gate with some chicken wire and steel fencing supporting it. We have someone on the inside that flips a switch that opens and closes the gate, which is on the second floor of the apartments. That was probably Terroriser, aka Brian, Basically, aka Marcel, or Mae today. 

Five people to guard our HQ isn't a lot, but I can call up Speedy at anytime. Speedy and I are buds, and he also owes me for a favor or two. Back when things were actually normal, and by that I mean we were shooting up rival gangs and all that shit, my crew and I helped Speedy and his crew go on some heists and assassinations. Including the one where Droidd and Sark were killed, I thought.

Ohm and Fourzero waved at us as we approached the gate. The gate rolled open and our two cars drove right through. We swung into the front door of the apartments. I got out of the car and Delirious got up to follow me. I shook my head. "Take the tuner and the Insurgent into the garage," I ordered Delirious in a quiet voice, "make sure Mini doesn't fuck anything up again. Take Nogla up to the infirmary and let Lui take a look at him. I don't want any broken ribs." Even though his face was covered by his hockey mask, I could feel his grin. He nodded and got back in the Insurgent. "Wildcat!" I called, "help me with our 'friends'."

Wildcat came over and together we got the five ladies out of the Insurgent. They didn't really respond and seemed strangely calm. The minute we got their leader out of the truck, Delirious gave the signal and the two vehicles sped away to the garage.

Wildcat and I prodded the five girls forward towards the front doors. "Move it." Wildcat growled. They started to shuffle forward and they looked from side to side, as if they were trying to see their surroundings, even though they had blindfolds on.

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