Lit (Tag and oh God, why am I using this word?)

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Yeah, so as you can tell from the title, this is not an update, but rather a tag. And yes, I know what you're saying right now: "Why isn't this an update?" "What's taking so long with the newest chapter?"

Trust me, I'm in complete agreement with you guys.

So I am working on the next chapter, and it's pretty heavy on the emotional stuff (at least I think so.) But the issue is, not only have I been busier in school ever since winter break has ended, but I've started to lose motivation for this story. However, this does not mean that I'm going to abandon it because I very much want to finish it. (The only story I've finished on this account is Single Minded.) I don't want you guys to think that I'm giving up on this, 'cause I'm not. But I'm not sure if I'll start doing slower updates or whatever, but whatever I choose I'll make sure to try my best to get this thing done. And just as a testimony to that, the new chapter should be up either by tomorrow, Sunday, or at the very worst, Monday. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

Whew. Glad I got that off my back.

Anyways, Annabubble13 has tagged me, so here goes.


The title of the chapter must be "Lit." (Annabubble13 I don't know what you were thinking when you decided with this rule, but I'll go with it, albeit cringing all the way.)

You can't refuse. (Same thing with this one.)

You must tag fifteen people.

You have to tell us thirteen things about yourself.

Ready? Here we go.

1. I am chronically addicted to SoundCloud music.

2. I wear contacts.

3. I am currently building my own gaming PC.

4. I've broken a leg before by falling into a bush. (I can already hear the laughing.)

5. I really like learning about tech and computers, as you can tell by #3.

6. I'm short.

7. Being in nature is not really one of the things that I like.

8. I want to travel around the world in the future.

9. I actually hate Harry Potter. (Oh God, here it comes...)

10. The Reckoners series by Brandon Sanderson is another one of my favorites series.

11. Mountain Dew is one of my favorite sodas.

12. I have a habit for returning library books extremely late.

13. I once got in trouble at school for being part of a food fight.

Bam, there we go! And now for the list of our lucky contenders:














Alright, so there it is. A tag completed, and a news update as well. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this "installment" and I'll catch  you in the next one. Peace.

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