Chapter 15

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Hey guys, I'm back! So I know it's been a while since my last update, and I'll admit it, I got a bit lazy. That's my fault. But because of that, I made you guys a super long chapter full of drama (6217 words to be exact.) Anyways, since school is starting back up in two weeks, I'm probably not going to be posting much; in fact, I'll probably go back to my old schedule of updating every month or so even though that sucks. So i just wanted to get this chapter out for you before school starts. But anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll catch you in the next one. Peace.

P.S. This is a really long chapter so if there's any grammar or spelling mistakes, I apologize.

I really wish Haley hadn't bothered me and Alice in the garden earlier. Today was Alice's birthday, and I wanted to spend as much time with her as I could for the whole day before telling her my decision about her learning how to kill. After I had sat down and read some of A Painted House, I had put a lot of thought into the idea of Alice learning how to fight. I had decided that I would teach her basic self-defense and how to use a knife because of the fact that we live in a zombie apocalypse, and a dangerous one at that. There's no telling when you might have to protect yourself nowadays, and I wanted Alice to be ready for anything and able to defend herself.

Right now I was sitting in my room, wrapping up Alice's gift; it had taken a while to find some wrapping paper that was in decent shape. Even though wrapping it was a waste of resources, and I was already going to teach her how to fight, I still wanted to give her something physical that she could associate with her tenth birthday - and that thing was my dad's book. I wanted to give her something that meant so much to me so I could show just how much she meant to me. Even though she had only been living with us for about three weeks, I had found myself caring for her and looking after her like a father would for his daughter – and in a way, I was her father. When Speedy had asked me to look after her, I had sworn to do it; she was my responsibility and I would make sure that I fulfilled my job.

I put the last bit of tape on the wrapping paper and admired my work. Sure, I wasn't a professional stylist or present wrapper (if that's a job), but I was satisfied with my wrapping skills.

At least I hadn't ended up tearing a huge hole in the wrapping paper.

Smiling, I picked up the box and stood up, heading to the door. I was about to head down to the living room to give Alice her present when my walkie talkie crackled to life. "Uh, Evan," Lui said, sounding a little nervous, "we've got a few people here. Say they want to talk to you about something important."

I frowned. "Did they ask for me personally?" I asked a bit paranoid.

"No, no. They just asked for our leader – that being you – so they could talk to you about something or someone of theirs missing. Something along those lines."

I relaxed. "Alright then, I'll be there. Give me a few minutes."

"Will do." Sighing, I took the radio away from my mouth and frowned again. Looks like Alice will have to wait, I thought as I rushed down the stairs. Before heading out, I took a stop at the armory and grabbed an AK off the wall; I didn't want us to be seen as weak in the face of these strangers. Besides, I thought, sliding a fresh clip into the rifle, who are they to make such demands? They must be part of a large and powerful group. Perhaps the group who had taken out Speedy.

Nearing the stairs to the top of the wall, I shoved aside those thoughts and put on my "asshole leader" face. I wanted to look in charge, in control, and the only way for me to do that in this environment was to look like and to act like an asshole. I didn't like doing it, but if it got the message across, then I would do it. I casually ambled up the stairs, giving a nod to Lui before walking to the edge of the wall and peering down at the people who had summoned me.

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