Chapter 12

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When Darcy awakes at dawn his beloved is still asleep, and he watches her sleep with intense happiness, feeling his heart swell just seeing her in total relaxation, her body spread out over the bed in boneless grace. The knowledge that from now on, they can be together like this every single morning and evening gives him a little thrill. He restrains himself from stroking her bare breast, it looks so tantalizing, so warm, so soft.

As he leaves the bed, forced by his need to use the privy, her hand reaches out after him, but he really needs to go, he will be right back. When he returns, she is waiting for him, wide awake, smiling. He crawls in beside her, and they relish their togetherness, unable to refrain from touching each other, starting slowly, but with rising ardour. Elizabeth excuses herself to visit the privy herself, and when she comes back there is no stopping them, before long they are exploring their new field of education again, with gusto.

This time, Darcy doesn't fall asleep instantly.

Realising they are in their wedding bed, he says: 'Good morning, Mrs Darcy.'

Apparently she is not sated at all, yet, for she doesn't just smile at him, but nuzzles him as well, stroking his naked body with leftover heat, saying: 'Good morning to you too, Mr Darcy.'

Oh, that still has his attention instantly, or is it her hand on his thigh? No, nothing happens down there, this excitement is purely in his mind, he's a total slave to that perky tone of hers.

'You really do react to that,' she observes with a fond smile, 'that's just so endearing! Like seeing you sleep, I thought I'd melt on the spot, you looked so tranquil. I hope I'm not the one putting such strain on you by day.'

He shakes his head, and says: 'I'm sure I'll look as relaxed as that all day when we've been married for six months. Unless Georgiana really starts dating an Italian pianist.

I owe you an apology for falling asleep on you like that yesterday night. That was very un-gentleman like.'

'Apology accepted, I was worn out myself, I didn't look at you very long before I fell asleep with an arm and a leg around you. What's this about Georgiana dating an Italian pianist?'

Her heat seems to have waned now, his own is totally gone, but he nonetheless feels like stroking her hair, running his hand through her long straight tresses, the first time he has actually looked at her with her hair down. It is a magnificent sight.

Languidly he replies: 'It's a joke between us, she asked me whether I would be mad if she didn't marry at all, or someone below her, and I told her she could marry a Russian pianist if he really cared about her. She was certainly interested in marrying a pianist, but preferred an Italian.'

'And her current master isn't an Italian?'

Darcy shakes his head: 'Nor a Russian, he's a young and rather good-looking Englishman, but very mild tempered, and Georgie entrusted me with the knowledge that she didn't like docile men. She said she was a true Darcy, and needed a man with backbone. I haven't given up hope that she'll meet a nice gentleman, though.'

'Imagine her saying that,' Elizabeth says fondly, 'I thought she was shy, but she had firm opinions on Miss Bingley as well, and on several more interesting subjects. That must be a real comfort to you, having your sister turn out observant and rather assertive.'

'It is now, but she wasn't docile for nothing, I'm afraid I was too strict with her. I liked her easy to handle, but after Hunsford I looked at her with other eyes, and became afraid she might be easy to take advantage of, having so little will of her own.'

Elizabeth squeezes him tightly and says: 'Don't take everything upon yourself, Fitzwilliam! You cannot suppress someone's spirit like that, it would come out one way or the other. She most likely was naturally docile, and is now growing up with self-confidence, and that is because she trusts you. You are a good and loving brother, not some kind of tyrant.'

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