Chapter 63

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Early Wednesday-morning, as Eric dresses to accompany Mr Manners to what he expects to be a rather naughty party, he is surprised by a knock on the door. It's Simon, who excuses himself for disturbing Eric this early.

'I thought you might like some help dressing, I can show you how to tie those cravats. Frankly, I should come with you, Mr Manners has his valet, and you should have one, too. But it's too late now to ask the master, he doesn't like to be disturbed this early in the morning. Busy times for a married man.'

That does seem to be a rather sore point for Simon, apparently he is not married himself, and would like to be. Strange, for he is incredibly handsome and very nice, it shouldn't be too hard for him to find a girl to marry. Oh well, from what he lamented a few days ago when Eric was having a hard time with jealousy of Mr Manners, Simon seems to have some unhappy love that he cannot escape from. Pity.

Though Eric's love is also still troubling him. Georgiana is certainly giving him every sign of caring for him, but of what use is that but to make her as unhappy as he is? They'll never be allowed to marry.

'Eric, take some care around Mr Grenfell, the friend in question. He's not a kindred spirit, if you get my meaning, though Mr Manners and his friends obviously like him a great deal. They are the only ones who can handle him, and they are sorely mistaken in his character.

Do not trust him, do not tell him anything pertinent, and do not get angry if he says anything disrespectful of your new patron and especially his sister. Let Mr Manners deal with that, and to this end do not be caught alone by the master of the house. He does not respect Mr Darcy, has reason to be angry with him, and also with Miss Darcy.

Ignore slights, pretend to be stupid or ignorant of the concept of honour, or you will regret it.

Mr Grenfell has no respect for your sensibility or your gift, he will find out your ancestry and treat you like a servant. Please avoid him.'

'How do you know all this, Simon? Why does he worry you so much?'

'I was involved in the gross violation of honour and decency that got him banished to his own house for two months by his friends, chief among whom Mr Manners.

I have a high opinion of Mr Manners, but he really seems blind to Grenfell's faults. If that man finds out how much Mr Darcy and especially Miss Darcy value you, he may try to hurt you, either physically or through your place in society.

You are on your way up, Eric, don't let some foolish sense of honour spoil everything, for believe me, if it's one of their own against a cow-herd's son, no matter how gifted you are and how intensely useless Grenfell is, you're done for, and Mr Darcy will only be able to save the remnants of your career.

Frankly, I wish you hadn't consented to go, but I suppose you didn't know, and couldn't have refused anyway. I wish I could come with you to keep an eye on you, but I suppose that wouldn't be possible anyway from the back of the house. Just be very, very careful, and trust Mr Manners. He is honourable, just blind to his friend's true nature.'

'That sounds pretty awful, Simon. Is there something else I should know about?'

'Mr Lascelles will be there, maybe you can keep him from lowering himself on spirits and loose women? He's engaged after all. But be subtle, or don't do anything, do not risk your career.'

'And Mr Manners? Is he in danger?'

'Mr Manners rules the roost, it will be interesting to watch him and learn, Eric, he is so incredibly subtle. He looks like your parish priest, but there is so much more to him than meets the eye. Watch, listen, and be as amazed as I was when I found out.

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