Chapter 169

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Yes, it was hard to get up after such a late night of dancing and drinking wine at headquarters, and of course Frederick had taken plenty of time afterwards to help Simon undress, as if he was the valet and Simon a fancy gentleman. His beloved often did that, making Simon feel very special, for no-one had ever seen this Frederick Manners but him. This man was as broad and as strong as his public namesake, with the same carefully manicured hands, the same perfectly groomed whiskers, smelling of the same expensive perfume. But this man's expression was totally different, instead of careless self-assurance he radiated gentleness and intense love, feelings usually hidden behind a carefully cultivated mask. None but his best friends had ever seen Frederick displaying any feeling his class thought unmanly: insecurity, vulnerability, even strong love was something he had been taught to hide. His leadership of a college clique and his discovery of his own perverse preferences had merely forced him to perfect his façade, the people who had seen him break through it numbering fewer than half a dozen. Mr and Mrs Darcy, Anne, maybe Georgiana and Eric, that was about it. And even they had never seen the real Frederick, the man who clung to Simon as if he was the most precious jewel in the world, who loved a low-born London servant with a dedication that sometimes frightened its object. Life was so insecure, what if something happened to him? Frederick would go to pieces. Which was why, in hindsight, Simon was glad with the close and very public tie to Anne, and thus Nick. That way, there would always be someone for Frederick to trust, he would never again have to face life all by himself, as he'd had to so much of his early life.

Frederick's loving attentions last night had in due time progressed to somewhat more heated activities, and they had fallen asleep tired but sated, too tired for Simon to worry about his last time tending Prince George. But now he could no longer postpone that duty, it was not altogether a nuisance since Prince George was actually quite a decent fellow, but Simon still feared some last-moment questions forcing Simon to lie about something or other. He was very good at lying, but he doubted he could fool such a clever man and besides, he didn't want to lie to someone he liked, he wanted Prince George to respect his privacy instead.

'Simon, I love you. Do you think I should get up myself, say my goodbyes?'

After kissing Frederick with all the love he felt for him, Simon told him the truth as he saw it.

'I prefer if you don't, my love. He doesn't expect you to, it will only attribute some meaning you didn't intend to give a mere instance of politeness. Better let me take good care of him, then have Mr and Mrs Darcy send him off with a show of civility.'

'I will do as you say, my dearest. Can I get one more kiss before you go?'

Simon kissed him again, then dressed, then kissed him once more before leaving their safe room, one more time, he would survive.

'Good luck, Simon. I'm sure you will be just fine, and when you return I will be waiting right here.'

As always, his reception left nothing to desire, Prince George was glad to see him, judging from his familiar call.

'Simon, I'm so glad you're here, and in perfect time! I'm sorry to bother you this early when your master may need your services himself, but I'm very happy to have you nonetheless!'

The prince was sitting on the edge of the bed wearing his dressing gown, he had already poked up his fire, as usual, and his well-worn saddlebags were obviously ready for his journey. The curtains were also open, the prince liked to greet the morning sun and generally opened his curtains himself when he brought new life to his fire in the shape of a few blocks of wood from the small container standing beside the fireplace for just that purpose. It wasn't a well-built fire, the merry blaze would soon die down, but by then Prince George would be on the road and the chamber would be cleaned for the next guest to have it, probably Earl Compton. Or maybe Mr and Mrs Bingley would get it, the bed was large enough for two.

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