Chapter 72

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And how Eric is received by his beloved! She is at the piano, practising, but as soon as she spies him she stops and smiles almost shyly. She's as happy to see him as he is to see her, eyes shining, hands reaching out for him without her even being aware of it.

'You're still here,' she breathes, as if he would even think of leaving her, knowing fate will not separate them forever.

The whole room disappears for a moment as he takes her hands in his own, he is lost for words, it is really true, he is engaged to his talented angel, she loves him as much as he loves her.

'I will never leave you, Georgiana, nothing will drag me away from you ever again.'

Well, it's clear what she thinks of that rather bold statement, her girlish shyness is gone instantly, and the strong, competent woman she is starting to become emerges..

'Oh, Eric, that's just ludicrous. Of course you will go away sometimes, you're going to play so many concerts, and you're still going to Vienna, just not today.

I know I will have to share you with your audience, and I don't mind, for our times together will make up for your absences manifold.

But it's sweet of you to say it.'

Sweet is being able to use each other's first name in this room full of relatives and friends. Of course she is right, of course they will be separated sometimes, but he's not going to Vienna without her, no way. She has no clue how far that is, she's never been further away from London than Derbyshire.

To cross the cold and dangerous North Sea without her, it's unimaginable.

He really is convinced he'll never leave her, ambitions are fine, but love is ever so much better.

Elizabeth, meanwhile, is convinced no-one besides the future bride and groom themselves can be happier with this union than she is. She always had a high opinion of Mr Fielding, but getting to know him better has only elevated him in her esteem, besides having a love for music that Georgiana can only share with him, he is upright and very gentle.

As Fitzwilliam is meeting his future brother-in-law in the little confidence-room, Elizabeth hears from Georgiana how their eventual agreement came to be.

'It was Simon, he knocked on my door in the dead of night to tell me Eric was going to leave for Vienna the next day if I didn't work up the courage to tell him immediately. I protested, but Simon was quite serious and in the end I did as he advised and knocked on Eric's door.

I've never been so embarrassed, in my dressing-gown, and he in his.

Elizabeth, he was distraught, so very upset by everything, and dead tired. But his mood improved quickly when I told him our love was not in vain, that no-one was going to stop us from getting married.

Simon told me to cuddle him, and I did. We kissed, too. Then Simon left and we chatted some more, until Eric started to fade a little with fatigue, and we each went to our own beds. He was so sweet, Elizabeth, in his dressing-gown, with his hair all mussed up, but there was a fire in him, too. Do you really think we'll have wait until I'm eighteen to get married?'

'I don't know, Georgiana, I suppose we'll have to discuss that together, but I'm so happy for you, to have come to an agreement. Did Simon tell you how he knew Mr Fielding was planning to leave?'

That is a hard question for the poor girl, she knows, but is not free to tell.

'I cannot betray Simon's confidence, Elizabeth, I'm sorry. He went out of his way to prevent Eric from leaving me, I cannot repay him by breaking his trust. Please forgive me.'

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