Chapter 152

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They managed to find the little village Anne wanted to see again and it was a delightful visit despite Prince George spending more time with Nick than Anne could herself. But she would have him in her arms that night, and she still saw him jumping that fence out of nowhere in front of her mind's eye. He was so strong and fearless, how could she not love him and want him? The strength in those arms and legs, and yet how tender he could be when he looked at her in a certain way and covered her in those little kisses.

'Your cousin has the most delightful little villages in his county, Mrs Manners. What is different here from other places? I'd swear all villages look alike and yet they don't, I've seen enough of them to know.'

Torn from her musings, Anne considered his question seriously, comparing this village to her mother's estate, and the villages they had passed on the road.

'I think Darcy takes better care of his people. The cottages are in better repair, and it's as if there are fewer of them, with larger fields and better-maintained vegetable plots. I think he doesn't allow families to split the farms, for their own well-being. I suppose tenants need taking care of.'

Prince George nodded, he probably had people running his estates for him, but he certainly saw a lot. If he could manage his weaknesses he would be a good king.

'A lot more than some seem to think, I've passed any number of sad hovels on my way here. Don't those landowners understand that sick or hungry tenants work less hard? And that timely maintenance saves money later?'

Thinking of her mother Anne quite naturally commented, 'And yet most people also need less guidance than we might think. My mother takes care that the cottages on her estate are in good repair, but she also interferes in people's lives. These cottages reflect their tenants, somehow. They make them personal, I like to see curious trees or works of art or those strange little buildings in the yards. See, like that one over there, what's that? A chicken coop?'

'Poor chickens! They'd be squashed flat. I guess they are a kind of conservatories, meant to grow crops that need more heat, like my oranges.'

'That's it! And look at that dog kennel over there, like a little church! My mother's steward would never let any of her tenants keep something like that in their yard, my mother doesn't like to see such fripperies. When I inherit Rosings I'll encourage my tenants to have a bit of fun with their house. And to just have a little fun, they work so hard, why shouldn't they?'

'You are so right, these villages look cared for, and not just by the landlord, by the tenants as well. Your cousin is a very caring man, though at first glance he doesn't look like one.'

'Both he and Frederick say it's because they were sent to school at a very young age, they learned to hide their feelings or be bullied.'

'They are so right! And yet they will most likely send their sons to school as well. We just cannot escape our upbringing.'

'But Darcy has also changed a lot, he used to be really disagreeable to people he thought beneath his notice. Among whom a certain young lady from Hertfordshire called Miss Elizabeth Bennet.....'

'No! Mrs Darcy?'

'Yes. She disliked him violently when secretly he was madly in love with her. She broke his heart before she finally found out he was actually quite nice. And he improved himself until he became the man he is now. It's a very romantic story, you should ask her to tell it to you some time.'

'I think I will ask Darcy instead and get an even more interesting version. No wonder he loves her so, he suffered before he conquered! I reckoned with his looks and reputation he'd gotten the girl with a mere smouldering look.

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