Chapter 84

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Fortunately, Mr Collins is not used to a household where the piano is used all day long and life just goes on around it. To him, music is entertainment, something to listen to in respectful silence, which spares them the sound of his voice until he finally realises that the rest of them just chat on, ignoring the lovely sounds emerging from Georgiana's beautiful instrument.

Darcy guesses this is the piece Fielding is studying to play on the Renaissance meeting, for it is like nothing he has ever heard before. It's pleasant to listen to after having been forced to hear out Mr Collins for nearly an hour, making excuses for his presence, admitting to having been sent by Lady Catherine to spy on her daughter, imagining her anger at having her clever ruse seen through before reached their destiny for more than an hour.

Though Darcy soon finds his talent to ignore incessantly repeating noises coming to his aid. Apparently this unique talent of his does not just filter out piano practice, it also helps him to no longer hear Mr Collins' prattle. He doesn't even acknowledge Mr Collins' presence, and the man never notices he is being ignored. Good, it will make the coming weeks easier to bear. And maybe they will be able to foist him off on Jane and Bingley after a week or so.

Though that will be hard on Mrs Collins, she should not be visiting anyone in her state, she should be at home, knitting little garments and dreaming beautiful dreams of motherhood. Oh well, being here with Elizabeth won't do her much harm, life is probably easier here, she must have duties at home, they have a very basic staff at the parsonage.

For now, she's sitting in a cosy corner with Elizabeth, no doubt catching up on months of news. Manners is ready to chat with their male visitor, but does not want to disturb that one's enjoyment of truly superior playing, something Darcy realises may not be mere politeness after all, but the first sign of cultural refinement he has ever seen in Mr Collins.

And in the first moment of silence Mr Collins does prove he has some higher feelings. He addresses Manners, to whom he has been introduced but only shortly, since the music silenced him almost immediately after entering the drawing-room.

'My good and noble sir, please do not think I do not have the highest respect for your fine person and your exalted family, for I do. But I have truly not ever heard music the likes of this before, the tones are so clear and so sweet, it's like a preconception on Heaven. I read about Mr Darcy's patronage in my own patroness' newspaper, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, she is Mr Darcy's aunt you know, always allows me to read her newspaper when she and her adoring daughter, Miss Anne de Bourgh, are finished with it.

But my good sir, Mr Manners, little did I expect to hear such superiority of execution, such taste in the choice of material. If you'll excuse me my neglect towards you, I must have my cousin introduce me to this master. I so want to tell him how much I admire his playing, before another minute has passed.'

Manners is not insulted of course, but rather excessively diverted. He loves peculiarities as much as Mr Bennet, he is as easily bored as Darcy's father-in-law and seems to have a similar taste in entertainment, though Manners is a lot more diplomatic with people who bore him. Nonetheless he manages to keep a straight face as he observes, 'By all means, Mr Collins, do get acquainted with Mr Fielding and Miss Darcy, better make it quick or they will start another piece.'

'Thank you so much for your understanding, Mr Manners, you seem to be blessed with the fine sensibilities so typical of your superior breed.'

Darcy wonders that his new cousin doesn't just introduce himself to the famous pianist, but apparently even Mr Collins' audacity has his limits. A famous name, impressive connections, stepping over the proper formalities there is all well and good. But apparently a God-given talent inspires such awe in him that he needs a proper introduction by his host. Before Mr Collins can waste any more time bowing and scraping to Mr Manners, Darcy catches his eye and leads the way to the piano.

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