Chapter 117

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Darcy cannot believe how different Mr Zumpe is from the last time he visited. Chatting easily with Johnson it is obvious this is his true self, Fielding always did say that to his former patron everyone is a potential customer and to be treated with respect. Even a butler apparently. Johnson certainly shows no sign of resentment, either he is a true professional or he doesn't recognise the man without his busby. Which of course is ludicrous, remembering names and faces is his job as a butler, and despite all of them still harbouring a shade of distrust towards Johnson, he certainly does his job very well.

Once well inside the room, Johnson announces, 'Mr and Mrs Zumpe, sir, and Miss Zumpe.'

And indeed, Louise has come as well. She looks much better today, of course there are few ladies who look beautiful while crying their eyes out, and Miss Zumpe is not one of them. But she looks kind of pretty now, and she greets Fielding like a long-lost brother. A lot of hugs and German endearments are exchanged, and then Fielding introduces his surrogate mother to everyone in the room, starting with Elizabeth. Of course. If the love between Georgie and her pianist wasn't tangible, Darcy would be jealous of Fielding's adulation for Elizabeth, but as it is, he understands. Even men who love another with all their hearts must feel her powers. Even Manners does.

Elizabeth greets their guests heartily, she thoroughly approves of this visit.

'Eric will need all the support he can get if he is to keep up his fame and even make it outside London,' she said, and that is certainly true.

'Mr Darcy, I hope you can forgive me for my incredible rudeness last time we met. I assure you that Mrs Zumpe gave me a thorough combing-down about that and I've been heartily ashamed of my misbehaviour.'

Well, he is certainly not a gentleman, addressing Darcy before spoken to, but of course they all knew that. At least his attitude is a grand improvement and his apology quite handsome.

'Thank you, Mr Zumpe, though I remember giving you a hard enough time myself.'

Darcy does not excuse his actions, they were deserved.

'You are indeed quite fearsome when enraged, but I understand now that you were protecting our Eric, who had come to find sanctuary with you. I'm still amazed you have agreed to his engagement to your sister, though I can see they are indeed meant for each other. You have made Eric a very happy man, sir.'

Darcy nods his acceptance, he can think of nothing to say to this man, but he doesn't need to. Mr Zumpe has a wife and a daughter with him, and they certainly deserve a greeting since they are very much impressed by their host. Mrs Zumpe is not an elegant woman, but she looks very kind, and she is certainly very fond of Eric. Darcy can see traces of tears in her eyes, greeting her lost son must have affected her more than a little. He bows slightly and addresses her as kindly as he can.

'Mrs Zumpe, I'm very pleased to meet you. And Louise, you look well. You are very welcome in my house.'

They both manage a smile and a 'Thank you, Mr Darcy,' but that is it. Better leave them to Elizabeth or Georgie.

And especially Georgie exceeds every hope Darcy ever dared have of his sister being host to relative strangers. She says exactly the right things and asks the right questions, Mrs and Miss Zumpe seem to totally forget their fear and chat lively, telling her about Louise's fiancée and when and how they are planning her wedding. Of course they have read the article in the newspaper, and Georgiana merely laughs at their awed descriptions.

'Let me tell you what our wedding will actually be like, only Mr Goodfellow really knows what is going on in this family, the rest of the reporters all make up a bunch of lies.'

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