Chapter 42

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And Georgiana feels a need to be protected at that very moment, the morning isn't at all proceeding as she expected.

For one, Mr Manners never showed.

She expected him to be there at breakfast, and though she doesn't fancy him or anything, she likes him a lot more than any gentleman she has ever met before, and she actually enjoys talking to him, getting to know him better.

But she is very pleased to have Kitty stay behind, spending an entire morning with Miss Bingley and Mrs Hurst as only female company is not Georgiana's idea of time well-spent, though of course there is always the piano.

After giving Kitty a piano-lesson, Georgiana practises intensely for an hour, trying to refrain from playing certain sections over and over to not irritate the rest of the company.

And still no Mr Manners.

The other gentlemen are mostly occupied with talking among themselves, several are playing billiards in the adjoining room, and Miss Bingley is talking with animation to Mr Grenfell, probably the most handsome of Bingley's friends, though that depends on one's taste as well, Georgiana prefers Mr Lascelles' looks, but he of course is not of impeccable breeding, being half French.

Still, Miss Bingley likes Mr Grenfell well enough, with his Grecian profile and his steel-blue eyes. She flirts with him, laughs with him, and tries to look her very best, which is not as difficult as Georgiana generally imagines it to be, for Miss Bingley is actually rather pretty, but since Georgiana abhors her, having often seen her at her very worst, being haughty towards anyone less favoured in life than herself, Georgiana's view of Miss Bingley is rather coloured. Actually, rather discoloured, greyed out with black rims.

As Kitty leaves for a moment to check on a surprise she has prepared for Jane's return, Georgiana finishes her serious practise, too bad Elizabeth isn't here to listen in, but that cannot be helped. She is making good progress, Eric will be pleased.

Difficult bits finished, she launches into one of those impressive scales, to see whether Miss Bingley notices. Which she does, she looks up instantly, only to direct her attention back to Mr Grenfell after a minute or so.

After the scales, Georgiana practises the dances, not too difficult, and much more to the liking of the gentlemen in the room than her virtuous piece. Men are so predictable, generally speaking.

Suddenly someone is standing beside her, much too close, a hand on her shoulder way too familiarly, and she can actually feel a solid body lean against her own. Before she can help it, a deep shudder of discomfort courses through her, but the man in question does not register her displeasure. He seems to read it as an encouragement, for he does not step back and even squeezes her a little with a large, strong hand.

Georgiana's shyness returns instantly, this is not gentlemanly behaviour, and she feels threatened by it.

Forcing herself to look up at the perpetrator, she sees to her surprise that it is Mr Grenfell, his steel blue eyes cold while his perfectly shaped mouth smiles down upon her ingratiatingly. The smile does not reach his eyes.

'You play very well, Miss Darcy,' he says in a low voice, a very astute observation indeed, and Georgiana is suitably flattered.

Of course she isn't, but in fact her scorn at his dumb remark doesn't show, she actually does look flattered, because she is flustered by this man's presumption, and her general shyness makes her seem coy, while she is in fact seriously annoyed and also quite a bit afraid.

Such a cold look, as if she is a piece of meat he is thinking of spearing with his fork, chew with a relish, then devour. How can Miss Bingley not see this man's true nature? He is a predator, and his presence makes Georgiana's instincts scream at her, 'Run, run while you still can!'

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