Chapter 5: Denial and Truth

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Chapter Five

Rose POV

The next morning I was surprised to find myself sprawled out on Adrian's couch with a thick blanket over me.

Disoriented I stretched my arms above my head and was startled when a chuckle emitted from behind me.

Adrian stood with a glass of coffee in his hand a terry cloth robe tied firmly around his waist. His hair was ruffled and he looked like a magazine model.

"Are you alright there, Little Dhampir?" He asked handing me the warm steaming cup of coffee and taking a seat.

I smiled and took a tiny sip feeling the coffee's warmth slide down my dry throat.

"Of course I am Adrian. I mean it's not like I just woke up in your apartment." I said snidely.

Adrian's face wore traces of defense, "You fell asleep and being the caring friend I am I let you sleep. Looks like you needed it anyways considering how your day is going to play out."

Then everything from yesterday came flooding back into my head and I groaned.

Adrian laughed, "Oh please you can't be telling me that your scared of all this."

I narrowed my eyes and stared him down, "I'm not scared. I just am hoping I'm doing the right thing for everyone's well being, two completely very different things."

Adrian poured himself a generous glass of what must have been tequila. I rolled my eyes. His self medicating techniques were starting early today I didn't care to witness any more of it if I didn't have to.

I stood and grabbed my shoes and walked to the door. Adrian gave me a hug and wished me luck as I left.

But his words drowned on inside my ears. He was right. It was unusual for me to be scared of anything but this was different. This was something that needed to be lifted off my chest.

As I approached my front porch a cloak of calmness shielded me. I took a deep breath and walked in a smile plastered to my face.

Alana jumped up from the couch and stood, hands on hips, with an expression that looked deadly.

"Just where in the hell do you think you have been? I was worried sick!"

I laughed at how much she sounded like Lissa and calmly took a seat in the overstuffed arm char, "I was at Adrian's. I guess I fell asleep on his couch."

Alana looked determined to be mad at me but I motioned her to take a seat.

"Sweetie, I think we need to talk." I said and I knew my calm façade was slipping out of my grasps.

Alana looked perplexed as she took her usual seat on the couch, "Okay what's wrong?"

I clasped my hands together and stared at my daughter.

She was beautiful. She was so beautiful that it pained me to have to argue or fight with her. Over the past sixteen years I had tried to give her everything I had never had. Love and the protection of a family being one of them. Now I was about to give her a gift I was sure would be thrown back into my face.

"Alana, you know how I've always told you if you wanted to know who your father was you were more than welcomed to know right." I said trying to ease into the situation before I let the bomb drop.

She looked a bit ridged but nodded her head in understanding.

"I think it's time you know." I finally concluded.

She shook her head, "I don't want to know."

I took her hand in mine and I felt her tug it away and speak again, "I don't need to know who my father is because it doesn't change anything. I'll always have the best mother who was both parents wrapped into one. I don't need this man in my life if he left us."

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