Chapter 13: Lost Love and Double Duties

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No Yeva is not dead and if I'm not mistaken she should be making a debut in either this one or the sequel. Yes, you heard right Memoirs of a Hathaway will be continued after this one finishes off. I know where I want this story to lead and am working hard on having it lead up to it. It is bound to be something to shock you all as well :)

As for the this story, this chapter will make Chapter 13. This story I was aiming for about 23 to 33 Chapters but heck knowing my wild imagination it might be either longer or shorter. So I need to know everyone's opinion you think Rose is being too hard on Dimitri? I keep reading these stories where Rose caves in super easily and I personally feel that Dimitri and Rose reconnecting should be harder to accomplish. I'm not trying to drag out their romantic tension, I'm just trying to perceive the true essence of each character. As for Mia/Eddie and Mila/Ivan I need to know if you are all interested in hearing more from them. I try to incorporate them in where it fits best. I know this story is a wild one with so many POV's but I find it refreshing to try and put myself in each characters shoes. I know there must be a lot of questions about where I left off with some characters, such as Abe/Tasha/Janine/Rose, Mila/Ivan and Leila/Lissa/Veronica. I promise that I have not forgotten the twist I have put in and that by the end of this story all bios should (mostly) be resolved. There wouldn't be a sequel without a few loose ends.

Chapter 13- Lost Love and Double Duty

Alana POV

He was really asking for it wasn't he? Again, I lashed out before I actually thought about what I was doing. I was fully focused on Asher as he breathed heavily. But I was getting really tired of Eric's demands.

Without a single thought, I swiped my leg out with so much force and pent up anger that it hit smack dab in the middle of Eric's broad chest. My ankle hurt and I knew I must have injured it slightly but I was too shocked at what I had done. A wave of worry consumed me as I met Eric's eyes. I could see I had caught him by surprise and I knew that it must have hurt. I didn't even register the bell ringing and everyone leaving. All I was aware of was when we were finally alone in the classroom.

"Are you okay?" I asked panicking. Oh, my mom would have it if I had injured a teacher.

Eric seemed to regain himself as he began to stand up. I tried to help but he waved me off.

"Where were you this morning?" He asked in a stern tone.

My eyes flashed and again the remnants of anger lingered in my voice. I knew he was going to be mad that I had missed our morning session today.

"I stayed home." I said bluntly as I watched his eyes flash with anger. I interrupted him before he could speak, my heart cracking over what I was about to say.

"Guardian Pavel, I don't think we should continue our morning sessions anymore. That includes our afternoon sessions as well."

Eric seemed taken aback and I wasn't sure if it was due to my unexpected use of his proper title or of what I was proposing.

He scrunched up his face in a confused manner that made my stomach do back flips.

"Does your mother know about this?" He asked in a rather heavy voice that was accompanied by his thick accent.

I shook my head, throwing out all customs of having a normal student teacher conversation.

"Look Eric...last night...You can't keep playing these games with me. First you say it's wrong and then you're practically throwing yourself on me. I'd be an idiot if I said that what happened last night...before I got mad...was not what I've wanted this whole time. But you're right...this is wrong and I'm not going to be the reason why you leave this campus. So...let's just take a break on practices for a few days and try and get things back to normal. Because it hurts too much to be angry with you and I'd rather have you around then having you gone."

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