Chapter 19: Dinner With The Zecklos

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A/N: For all those who have read the Vampire Academy series, you all should remember who Avery Lazar is. If not please take a look at this link:

For the purposes of this novel, Avery’s father was never Headmaster and all the events with Simon and Reed never occurred. Also there is a lot going to be happening in the next few chapters. If I lose you please let me know. Also I’m kind of discouraged that I don’t have a lot of people commenting on my stories. Your comments and feedback encourage me to write more.

I do not own Vampire Academy. However I do own this storyline and the made up characters of:

Camelia Zecklos

Stefan Zecklos





Chapter 19: Dinner With the Zecklos

Melissa POV

I could smell their blood. The looked so fragile as they embraced in the moonlight. I rolled my eyes at their display of affection. How naive souls they were. I spotted Heidi on the other side of the wide highway. Her cherry blond hair was reflecting the moonlight. I pressed the comms unit further in me ear and snapped at her in Italian.

“ Stay back. Further in the woods. Any closer and you will look like a damn pedophile. Don’t blow this.” I said in a quick tone into the comms unit.

Heidi was new at this. She hadn’t had much training at being in the field but seeing as we were low on staff these days, I settled with what I got.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and i quickly grabbed it and pressed it to my other ear.

“Speak to me.” I said keeping a firm stare on the kissing couple.

“Mel...keep an eye on the subject. Don’t intervene. Until then stayed posted.”

Sera’s voice was chirpy as she hung up. I huffed. I hated taking orders from that damn Moroi woman. She was a pain in my ass. I sighed and pressed on the comms unit.

“Heidi fall back a little. Seems we aren’t needed yet.” I watched at Heidi jumped to a tree. Easy and quietly as swiftly as a predator. I huffed once more and shoved the phone into my pocket as I watched the couple stroll down the highway. What a long night this was going to be. I smiled to myself. Because usually long nights ended in lots of blood being spilled. The thought made my insides burn as my fangs pocked behind my lips. Yes...what a long night it was going to be. And one well worth it.

Leila POV

The stares and the comments had been unbearable. Down right unbearable. I cringed as the brush mother was running through my hair snagged. I hadn’t put up much of a fight when she had come in ordering me to get ready. Or when she had began a deadily attack on my blond curls. I hadn’t felt in the mood to fight back. Partially because my aching headache was back. Lucky for me there was no sweating this time. I listened to my mother;s voice tal about politics and wedding venues. I didn’t really pay attention. I was too endorsed in the events that had occured. I was a laughing stalk of the Moroi world. All thanks to Veronica Voda.

I didn’t really pay attention the whole time mother did my hair and makeup. I just sat quietly. I didn’t really come to life until Alana showed up and my mother, disgusted by a dhampirs appearance, left the room.

“Are you okay Leila?” Alana asked. She was in the black dress and her hair was down and beginning to already curl the way it usually did. I sighed and turned away from the mirror.

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