Chapter 21: Welcome Home Son

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Okay, so I thought I would fill you all in about the continuation of this story. As of this moment there will be 3 other stories to this one. The next story will be titled Chronicles of A Belikov. As I mentioned before, I need names. More characters will be introduced. I particularly want Romanian or Russian names. Also I have made a list of loose ends that I know need to be cleared up. If I am missing one please inform me.

- Ivan and Nora (obviocly)

-Jill and her affair

-Lissa running for Queen

-Dimitri and Rose

-Eric and Alana

-Alana and Asher

-Leila’s marriage

-Victor Dashkov’s death

-Andre’s crush for Leila

-Mila’s emotions

-Tasha and Janine’s fight

-Tasha’s baby with Abe

-Carly and her situation with Master

-Dimitri not telling his family

-Dimitri and Viktoria

These are very brief but if I am missing anything...please let me know.

Also! I do not own Vampire Academy, however I do own this storyline and the made up characters including:

Aleksei Leskov


Also, I will be gone this Thursday-Monday so I will not be able to make any updates next weekend. I will try and have a chapter up before I leave. I’m going to Disneyland with my school’s band.

Chapter 21--Welcome Home Son

Alana POV

Two days passed and my birthday was only two short days away. Yet it was bittersweet. News of the attack had spread wide among the Academy. And my classes had seemed to pass by very slowly. It was odd walking into class and not seeing Nora’s smiling face. And poor Asher. He had been very much to himself. My mother and a few other guardian had roamed the road that led off of campus only to find smudged footprints that led nowhere. Nobody wanted to admit but there was really no hope left. We were all depending on Leila having another vision, something that seemed very unlikely seeing as her painful headaches had gone away. So we all just sat. And on the third day as I sat in my first class, listening to Eric rant about being on defense when it all just sort of clicked inside my head. I could not sit here and wait to hear the news that my friend and cousin were dead. I had to do something. But there were no clues. It was all empty  dead ends. There was no where to start to do something. Until noon that day when I was walking with Leila to her dorm room. She had been rather quiet the last few days. Everyone had been. So I did not push her to talk. We all just needed comfort during this crisis. So you can understand my surprise when Leila gasped and I watched as her violet eyes got a far off look before she blinked a few times and recovered. She seemed to play it off as she kept straight not meeting my eyes. Except I was not going to be so easy to avoid. I side stepped her taking her by surprise.

“Just what in the hell was that?” I asked placing my hand on my hip. Leila looked at the ground before her violet eyes came back up and were full of tears.

“I’ve been having these weird dreams. I can’t sleep. I can’t even think without getting random flashes.” Leila looked on the verge of a mental breakdown. It was so unlike the strong willed girl I knew.

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