Chapter 6: Unexpected Visitor

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Lissa POV

Rose has been hysterical on the phone and it was my entire stupid fault.

"Rose I know I should have told…."

She cut me off swearing, "Told me! You should have asked me! You know how I feel about this and you couldn't even tell me he was staying!"

Tears welled up in my eyes. I had enough on my plate right now and Rose's anger didn't help. The effects of spirit must have awakened a deep and aggressive anger in me because I flew off the handle.

"What do you expect from me Rose? You know we may have this bond thing and it may only work one way but you have been my best friend for far too long. I know when you need help and as much as you deny you don't it's only because you're the strong one. You're the one who protects and shields and does all the dirty work and I'm the one who's calm and sit's around letting you take the entire burden. You've helped me with everything in my life and for once I'd like to help you. I may not be able to read your mind but I know you love him still and I know that having him here can change a lot of things for not just you but Alana as well. Stop fighting for once Rose and let someone try and take care of you for a change."

My speech must have carried on a long time because silence met it afterwards. I gazed at the phone thinking that it was ridiculous for Rose to have the nerve to hang up on me but I was stunned to see she was still on the other line. As if understanding what I was doing, she finally spoke up. Figured since she probably already knew what I was thinking.

"Your right….maybe this is for the better good." Her voice was crisp and I could detect tears in her voice.

I didn't have the heart to continue our pointless argument. I did what I did best. I changed the subject.

"Tonight why don't we have a dinner party? I mean with Tasha here now and all this…drama...taking place. Maybe we need a dose of the old times."

I could tell that Rose agreed reluctantly but it was a start. It was all I could hope for. We made plans to see each other later on in the evening (for vampires at least since we run on a nocturnal schedule), all evidence of our fight pushed aside.

In the years of dealing with spirit it still stumped me every time it washed over me like that causing me to strike out on impulse. Maybe I was overdoing it thought. Maybe my little outburst had nothing at all to do with spirit.

I had learned a lot of control over the years, particularly in preventing Rose to read into my secrets. It was hard and it was something that didn't come effortlessly. I had learned to push Rose out of my head for short amount of time and I was hoping that she still hadn't picked up on the gist of my thoughts, because what she would have heard was something she wasn't going to like. Tasha had confided in me the night before sitting out in the living room way into the late of hours of night time talking and catching up. Some of the things she had told me were alarming and I knew Rose wasn't going to like the news that was brewing under the Academy's roof, let alone the fact that I was keeping way too many secrets from her lately.

Sitting in my quiet office I began to reminisce. I had been 20 when I had had my son Andre. It was one of the best days of my life. Even thinking of it brought a faint smile to my lips. I had never dreamed of having children and now that I was mother it was shocking to realize that I had completed my goal. I had continued the Dragomir heir. Yet it was even more shocking when only a few hours ago I had realized that that continuation could be continuing. I knew I was pregnant before I had even taken the test but it was still appalling when I had seen the results. Because as much as I loved being a mother it was a bad time to be having a child. Rose would have scalded me for having such petty thoughts but it was true. I had been contemplating for months now about taking the Royal Moroi thrown from Queen Tatiana but having another child could make things tough in doing so. Rose didn't know about my plans and it saddened me knowing I had kept so much of life from her lately. It was so unlike me but I just couldn't have her meddling in this. Plus shock absorbed me more when Tasha had revealed the night before that she too was expecting a child. It made me sad because I was the one who had pushed on her and Dimitri staying at the Academy for Rose's sake and now it was all blowing up in my face. Because even if Tasha herself hadn't said so…I was pretty sure that the father of her child was none other than Dimitri Belikov.

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