Chapter 12: Anger

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Vampire Academy but I do own the made up characters of:

Fiona Castille

Mr. Makov

Chapter 12- Anger

Rose POV

I felt my body jolt with spirit as Adrian healed me. I couldn't take it. I passed out in Dimitri's arms not even caring that he was touching me anymore. I was groggy seconds later when I recovered from the after effects. Adrian was in a completely different state though. Dimitri reached out to me and I recoiled. I had enough problems right now then fighting how much I really wanted that touch and the consequences of allowing it to happen. I helped Adrian up and asked Dimitri to inform the others that I was with Adrian.

I didn't feel up to par but Adrian had healed me again and there was something I needed to discuss with him. Something that didn't involve my mother and long lost father.

After I sat him on his couch and got a few drinks down him he seemed about normal for a drunk guy.

"Why did you tell him?" I asked pouring myself my own glass of whiskey. I needed it after my day.

Adrian slurred his words slightly, " Tell who what Rose?"

I threw back the rest of the drink and starred at my hands around the cup. These hands had killed people before. They had wiped tears from a crying child's face and held a baby so close that it hurt. These hands had once held the hand of a strong man. These hands had once lost their feeling.

"Why did you tell him about when I was pregnant? He has no right to know the things I went through."

Images from sixteen years before entered my head. IV tubes and Lissa trying to heal as much darkness as she could. The shaking of my whole body and the horrible nightmares. And the one thing that had scared me the most. The numbness that had taken over my hands and my heart. I had almost died again carrying Alana but I had never regretted having her. All of this had happened towards the end of my pregnancy. Looking back, it was lucky that Alana and I had both made it out alive.

"He deserved to know what he put you through." Adrian said unbuckling the top buttons of his shirt.

I began to cry, something I was doing far too much of lately, "Like hell he does! He left Adrian! He left me! Why can't anyone see how much he has hurt me?He doesn't deserve any pity and he doesn't deserve to know the things I went through carrying his child!"

Adrian stood up looking slightly angry, " Of course he does Rose! The man is trying to make up for lost time with the woman he loves and the child he never knew because you were too stubborn to put your feelings aside and give your daughter a proper family! You always claim you want more for Alana then you had but you deprived her of the one thing that you never got until now. A damn father! So stop playing boohoo over here and thinking Uncle Adrian is going to fix everything and that you were so mistreated because now that you have everything you want starring you in the face your too scared to claim it! So stop feeling sorry for yourself and pull it together because you aren't 18 anymore Rose. Your 33 and it's time to be a big girl about things."

Adrian's speech was like a slap to my face. I swallowed the bile that rose in my mouth and bitterly replied with, " I thought you were my friend."

I pivoted on my feet and rushed towards the door ignoring Adrian's protests as I went. Had I really been being a big cry baby this whole time? Where my friends tired of my problems? It wasn't like I was asking them to make them disappear. And was Adrian right? Had I deprived my daughter of things I had never had myself that would have been so easy for her to have.

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