Chapter 4: Debutantee Ball

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Chapter Four:

Mila POV

I hated heels. They were the new form of Chinese foot binding. Who ever thought it was smart to glue a point to the bottom of a perfectly good shoe and torture yourself with trying to walk on your tippy toes. And makeup was just a moral sin. Who were the smarty pants that thought it was healthy to bottle up bat guano and sell it in tubes called mascara, apparently not a rocket scientist

So now here I was being "beautified" by my aunt so I could be a pity date to my cousin Andre.

To make matters worse, I knew my boyfriend, Ivan Belikov, was disappointed that I had been pressured into attending this stupid royal charade. It wasn't like I was going to jump Andre's bones the moment I was alone with him. He was my cousin was goodness sakes.

I was also a bit disappointed in Ivan's actions. He'd been drooling over Alana and Leila like he was lost puppy. So in hopes to tick him off I had finally agreed to suffer the wrath of makeup and ankle breaking heels.

I knew Ivan and I were somewhat on the rocks since we were forced to hide our relationship. Viktoria had some issues with letting Ivan date and we both had grown up and been raised almost like brother and sister. We both weren't related though and it wasn't surprising that two teens shaking up together would feel and emotional attraction towards one another. Aunt Tasha and Viktoria would have never accepted our relationship. We were forced to hide kisses behind doors and pretend that nothing was going on between us.

So I couldn't help but feel a rush of jealousy surge threw my body when he had placed that petty little kiss on her fragile and tiny hand.

"Stop moving." Aunt Tasha chastised me as she curled my stick straight hair. She had already burnt the back of my neck twice and I was getting rather impatient with the whole tedious task.

I obeyed and tried to keep my neck out of the aim of fire as she continued to twirl each strand of hair around the hot iron.

Finally after an hour of being hustled to act mature and appropriate, I was walking with my Aunt Lissa and Uncle Christian and my nervous "date" Andre.

Lissa and Christian were chatting and whispering to themselves on the walk over and Andre was wringing his hands like he was about to do a magic trick.

My heels made a piercing sound with each step I took and I could already feel the ache of balancing on such tiny platforms.

As we approached the French doors to the brightly lit room the sound of chatter, music and tinkling of glasses was clearly distinctive. The room was adorned in gold silk fabrics that hung from the room's walls. The chandelier hanging from the ceiling was crystal and shown bright. It wasn't surprising when looks of awe came our way. I mean how many times did you see a royal dhampir? Lissa and Christian got held up talking to a man a knew very well from some of my visits to court and Andre and I were forced further into the room. Guardians lined each wall and most of the royals looked bored with the whole get together.

I was about to collapse onto a folding chair I had just found when an arm looped through my own. I immediately did a hard jerk until I realized whose face I was staring into.

Her eyes opened with surprise but she smirked and held on tighter, "Don't try and kill me now. We might be the only ones who remember this night in the morning."

So that's how I ended up standing in a room full of curios glares with Princess Leila Voda.

Asher POV

"Oh hurry up Nora! You're taking forever." I exclaimed to my twin sister who was taking her time walking through the tress.

She made a noise of disgust, "You're the one who wanted to crash this party. I'd much rather be at home reading a book."

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