Chapter 8 : Living arrangements.

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YO guys, 

So this chapter is filled with jacks POV : I  know there some of you peeps out there that prefer jacks pov So here you are :)

Also , I Would like to say a HUGE thank you to vballlexi14 and ray1218 ... For helping  be decide on the new name of a new character who is going to join Gemma, Jack and Ria ,  Thanks guys couldn't have done it without your help :)

Also to my friend Gemma wall , Who also helped out , Shes currently not on wattpad , But really needs to sort her self out and get her butt on here !

Any way , Enough babbling , Enjoy :)

pj =D


Jacks POV :

As i lay here , under the Moon lit sky i cant help but wonder about today's events , Ria explaining everything to us , I just cant get my head around it , One minute shes all scary and distant  , the next minute shes fighting for our lives !

I mean , People on this island really want to kill us .

The hurt full shiver that crawls my body is almost un bearable whenever i think of that,

"they want to kill us "

"they want to kill us "

I repeat this over and over ,  i cant get it out of my head , i need to stop , this is all a dream ! .. Please let this be a dream ,

I can't Stop reminiscing about the last couple of days . How powerfull the days have been , A new me has shone out of the woodwork , only i hoped they would come out in better circumstances,

Laid on the dirt filled ground fiddling with some sort of  twig or crunchy leaf  I couldn't help but think about everything Ria had told us , Again , Thinking again ! . its starting to hurt  my brain , i couldn't help it , I turn my head to the left and see Gemma half zoned out looking towards Ria Laid beneath a lonely tree , and half zoned into god knows were ,  She looked peacefull . Someplace i need to be right now ,

I turn my head back up to the stars and wonder about what Ria said yesterday ,  I recall Gemma Asking how long it was going to take for us to get to Camp , Ria then replied  'Tomorrow'

But thinking about it , This is tomorrow , this is the second night we will have spent in the wilderness ,  It shocked me thinking about it , i mean today has just been a total blur !  Too much information in one day , I'm sure reality will hit me in the morning , And I'm guessing it wont hit me Soft !

"Gemma , pshhhh, Gemma "

At first she didn't reply , I was about to think she had fallen asleep until i heard her half croaky voice whisper back to me , She sounded so lost and hurt , her fear and pain almost Caught on to me as i felt my eyes well up , i didn't want her to be upset , i needed her to be strong , i wanted to help her be strong , but the fact is  Shes always been the strong one , ever since i met her in the airport shes been handling me like i was her pet , i really couldn't beat her at her own games , I didn't mind though.

"Yea .. Im awake Wats up "

I took a long glance at her wondering weather i should mention the topic to her or not , Would it only upset her more , I decided to tell her anyway , If she was feeling anything like me she would be thinking the same thoughts anyway.

"Can i ask you something ? "

 "Go a head , I cant sleep anyway"

She slowly sat up and help her self up with her arms , resting them on a now muck filled jumper that she was using to sleep on.

"I was just thinking about yesterday , When Ria told us We would be there By tomorrow , Meaning today,   i was just thinking , Why would she say that if Are  Still here ? "

Her eyes popped at me , i could tell she was tying to find an answer to my question , But the way she bit her lip told me she didn't have any clue ,

" I dont kno....."

I never got to hear what she had to say as Ria suddenly  covered our faces with her cold pale hands and whispered for us to shhh.

 that's all i needed  For me to panic , why was she telling us to shhh , I tried by best to look up at her as she was knelt above our heads , All i could see was the direction her face was staring , Fear took over her face , I followed the direction of were her eyes were glaring  and stopped at the corn , It was rustling , My heart started to pound real hard  Sweat began to seep its way through my paws an drip down my face ,

I suddenly jump As a felt something touch my hand . I quickly glanced Down to see Gemma had placed her hand in mine and started to squeeze , tightly .

I guess she heard and saw the corn rustling too , As she diverted her tear filled eyes away from mine and towards the corn  She started to grip  my hand even tighter , she could see it , I could see it , Am i pretty sure Ria could see it ,

I couldnt understand why we wernt running , Why i wasnt Lifting my legs and heading for the hills ,

Because at this moment in time my life depended on Ria , That's why i was frozen on the ground.

knees buckled together and hands tied to Gemma's . Ria was our only escape , Our only way out ,

I didn't really believe what she had told us one hundred percent , But who am i to judge , If she was the one wanting to kill us she have by now I'm sure , i wasn't taking any chances.

the rustling started to subside after a while but that only made me more anxious And Gemma Too with the way her grip was still getting tighter around my wrist ,

I must have blacked out for about for 5 minutes as i thought what ria would do if i licked her hand while she was covering my  mouth , i don't know what brought that thought to my head but i soon snapped out of it as the rustling came more intense , The corn separated into two halves , Two arms Was the first thing i saw emerge from it , Soon followed by the rest of its body.

I was sure i was going wet my pants there and then.


Ok guys , So this was a looong chapter so i split it into two Sorrry ..... But it does make it abit more tense for you guys , And for me As i cant wait to read your comments about this chapter , and the next , i really hope you do comment i love to read them  and see your views.

 I know this chapter may be abit boring But i thought it was necessary , Sorry again Hope you enjoy it  =D

I also had to enter a funny part into it, otherwise it wouldnt feel like my story, The whole hand licking thing i thougt was pretty funny , And i like how Jack picks his moments to think of something like that , Weather or not you found it funny i dont know , but i sure did , Let me know =D

Picture to the right is Brooke vincent aka Jenna-jayde (JJ )  Who is my upcomeing character :)

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