chapter 8 part 2 : Living arrangement's

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A/N: Hope you guys enjoy this chapter :)

Jenna-Jayde's POV

Ive been Sat in this log hut for almost Four days now, Not knowing how long i will be keeping myself company  , I'm starting to loose it , Fear is coming back to me now , just like it did a year ago , I don't need that again , I can't stand the internal pain it caused me , Just sitting here in this lonesome room is not helping me , i hate it When She leaves me , all my fear that i have learned to keep at bay swoops back every time I'm left alone.
I'm Sat on a Light blue cotton Chair that is located in far corner of the cabin , I like to sit here to help me feel better , I think the reason is because its in the corner of the room and that both walls a right beside me making me feel warm enclosed and comforted , All i can hear other than my thoughts that is , Is The ticking of the clock which i have now been staring at for the last hour ,  My heart was now also starting to pick up its pace and started to build a rhythm with the clock .

Trying to lure myself away from the hypnotizing sounds , I drag myself up , slouch down and drag my feet towards the window ,
The only window that this cabin has , Its not too small , but is smaller than usual window's , The glass is only thin, Sellotape surrounding the glass Keeping most of the draft outside , although i can still feel little flushes of breeze seeping through in separate parts of the window's edge , Causing goosebumps to arise on my Freckled skin , I'm not that tall and the window is Quite high up , Causing me to stand on the tip of my toes just to peer out , Looking out into the cold night makes me feel even colder  So i grab my tatted shawl that is sprung around my Waist and pull it up to my neck making me instantly feel warmer  and strangely helps me feel alot  safer,
Safer untill a figure appears into my view ,
Standing there before me , right outside the window Leaning against an old broken tree was Isobel ,
her eyes quickly latched onto mine and she started to move slowly towards me ,
Her thin figure almost blends in To the trees that surround us ,Each little step she takes Forward makes my body tremble more,
Breaking our eye contact she Turns her head in a very creepy manner and stares to her left were the door to the cabin is located.
"How the hell did she find me "
What am i saying ? Now is not the time to question my self,
In panic thought i rush to the Right of me and quickly locked the door with every latch it has , I step back slowly and grip my arms around my body not taking my eyes off the door for one second,
The door knob starts to turn very slowly quickly followed by an ear crunching squeak.
this is too cliche to be happening, things like this always happen in movies , Then next thing that going to happen is the door handle is going to stop turning , its going to be quiet for about ten seconds and a huge bang will be heard from the outer side of the door.
I was wrong ,  There was silence for 15 seconds before the door started to bang , Or rather Isobel started to bang, every bang that occurred My body jumped , Soon again the banging stopped , i don't know why but i seemed more afraid of the silence,
Maybe she gone ?
*Spoke to soon*
With an almighty Crash a Rock flew through the window , Shards of glass rained inside the cabin , this was not happening , this was supposed to be my comfort zone , How the hell Did she find me ?
I wasn't going to Hang around to find out , I soon gained control Of my legs and headed To the second floor ,
It Really wasnt a second floor , they Is stairs but only lead To a small and Very Tight Room Were one bed is situated.
not having time to catch my breath i Opened a small door that lead to roof , climbed through And headed to the edge of the Roof ,
I was quickly stopped,
"Nooo let go of me "
I screamed and raged my body around , I swung my arm around hoping to hit Isobel,  To make her loose her grip , Only wen i swung i realized Isobel Wasn't there , My shawl had gotten caught on the little door and was keeping me from My life.
I stretched out my arms above my head and pulled away from the door , The shawl quickly slid off around my head and i was free.
Wasting no time at all i bent down on the edge and leaped off , the only thought that was running through my mind was Id rather die falling than be murdered.
This thought came to me in slow motion , Just as it does in films , Falling felt like hours , I was half expecting to land back in the cabin with Isobel standing over me ,
i didn't , Land in the cabin that is , but i did hurt my arm as i fell onto the edge of the cellar bunk and rolled off onto the ground ,
"Ahhhhggg , Mother Fucker ! "
I Tried to cover my screams with my arm But i  couldn't lift it , it hurt to much and made me want to scream even more .
I dragged my self up and ran as fast as i could, My bad arm being held by my good one.

After running for What seemed forever , i Stopped and slammed down to the ground , With how Badly i was gasping for breath i was almost sure i swallowed a fly , But i didn't care , i Wasn't going to wait Around  To die . 
I soon again got to my feet and tried to run which turned out to be a jog With my feet only just lifting off the ground ,
I needed to get to the old circus ground's , I think that is were she would be , She took all the others there , She took me there a year ago . The year she saved my life.

So guys , What do you think ?
Is Jenna-Jayde going to be awsome or not ?
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Hope you enjoyed it

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