Chapter six : Trust me ! part one:

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Gemma's POV

A huge sigh of relief was the first sound that escaped my mouth when i awoke , After last nights 'OhMYGoD' Ordeal and finding jack was ok actually wiped me out,

After laying down , With jack of course , My body fell numb and i just simply slid off to sleep , With a warm and let me say very much needed presence next to me,

The first sight i saw when i awoke Was the arched roof of an old caravan , We were laid on the porch of it nestled in nothing but clothes i had dragged out of my suitcase , It was the first and only thing we could have used to keep warm overnight , I didnt fetch any warm.. ish clothes with me , thinking it was going to be warm at camp and all , Nor did i even think of 'camping out' , that certainly was a shock.

We could have camped in the old 'fun' house (note the sarcasm in fun) Who's walls would have shielded us from the freezing shiver blinding wind , But i really didn't feel like sleeping that close to Ria, Even thinking of her name right now makes me feel colder than it actually was last night,

Her rambiling on that she does progressed through the night stirred  me from my sleep a couple of times But i mannaged to ignore it , She really was crazy.

As i start to lose interest on the topic of Ria A Nice warm feeling came upon me finally realising it was the arm of jack, this act from jack  Made me feel warm and thankfully safer , He didn't notice his actions , did he want to notice his actions ? did he notice me ?

Jeeze , i was actually liking this guy , This annoying chair twiddling airplane guy.

i didn't want to wake him up So i didn't move, He looked so calm And collective

Even though his eyes were closed i could see them in my mind Staring at me , Lovely warm Oak filling eyes ...staring me !

I wish !

do i ? 

I do !


"what are you rambling on about Rocket ? , your worse than Ria over there "

Oh Gosh , i didnt notice him Wake up , was i rambling ?

"Oops , Sorry , but be careful on the comparisons you throw at me, alright ?"

"sorry , ...ww,w What the hell is digging into me ?" 

Jack pulls himself up a little and leans my way , i automatically lean away in sync He reaches Behind his back and tugs on something , suddenly A hot flush of embarrassment lays its self upon my face , 

"OMG , this isnt happening"

I Tried to mentally block the sight from my eyes , The sight of jack with a huge smiling expression on his face as he dangled nothing other than one of my bra's In front of his face , The horror !

" Well , what do we have here Miss u,mm 32 c ?"

" I..It .. I "

Thats all i could drag out of my mouth , nothing other than useless stuttering.

"that's ok , Don't say anymore , it probably just fell out of your suitcase with the clothes we got out, Either that or you planted it there ...sexually"

I don't think my face could have turned a darker red if i tried, i didn't answer back , just simply turned my head and faced the other way , during which jack was sprawling open his arms in a huge stretch , Yawning , then leaping to his feet and headed towards the long corn.

think he needed the little boys room , that or he wanted to laugh behind my back,

I decide that this is my chance to quickly shove my clothes 'including my bra' back into my suitcase. 


Still internally chuckling at what just happened , i headed towards the corn to do my morning business  (  A/N he was just using the bathroom ! For all you dirty minded people *tut* *tut * )

I couldn't help myself , As soon as i lifted it from behind my back i automatically new it was going to be perfect pay back for all the evilness she gave me on the ride here.

Satisfied with myself I quickly finish my business and head back to 'Hell ground'

I think this is going to be a hell of a day ahead.

Ria's POV ................   ( part two coming soon :) ) 


Hope you readers can find the time to comment or vote , let me know your thoughts .......

thanks again  Pj =D

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