Cirque du soleil : Part 2

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Ria's POV,

My God ,

Why is she screaming , He's right over there!

She was screaming for jack , even i could see him, He was right behind her Settling down to a restless night's sleep no doubt ,

I think he was has bewildered as i was to hear her scream for him, i knew this because he wasn't answering her , should i step in ? should i tell her to stop been a wussy and that jack was right behind her ?

No! I need to think of what im going to do next, i need to keep these kids as far away from camp as possible , they cant go there !

I fought with my brain ,The head pain was straining my fought , i couldn't think  ,

*Pound pound pound *

My head was thumping abruptly,

I need to shut this broad up , her screeches were directing themselves right through my ears and i couldn't take it anymore.

"OK .OK , weve all heard you,  shut up already "

I couldn't say anymore due to the fact of been pounded  on my shoulders by a screaming loon.

"what is your problem ? HELP ME FIND HIM ! "

She didn't just touch me did she ? , She did !

"DO NT touch me ! I hate been touched ! Sit down and stop screaming ... If you pay atten...."

Before any more words were vomited out of my mouth i was rudely interrupted, It was jack , think he Finlay awoke form his dazed state, You could see the confusion in his eyes , Reflecting fear back on my own, Don't think this is going to be very pleasant on my behalf.

"OI , Let go of her you crazy has-bin , She was just scared, Alright ?"

Was he asking me a question ? Or just making a statement ? i don't know , but i soon found myself letting go of Gemma And facing towards Jack,

"If she had stopped to look around instead of screaming like an alley cat she would have seen you ,Stupid Girl"

"She obviously Was Taken back When she figured i wasn't there , cut her some slack will you !"

Gemmas face didn't budge in the slightest , the fear in her face soon turned to sadness , then to confusion ,it didn't have any chance to change again as she lunged forward and locked her self around jack,

"I Was so scared , i ..i ,, Ohgod thank god your here"

She soon , 'Somehow'  Managed to peel her self off of jack for a moment to show him how embarrassed she looked , I mean C'mon , she did almost give it away that she had feelings for the dude , If the screaming didn't give it away , the look of embarrassment sure did.

"that's ok speedy! , I'm alright , You just panicked that's all "

Eu-ugh, think ill leave these two Alone , i cant stand mushy mushy stuff ,

I Cant stand in conversation with these two , i cant befriend them , not now !

i Need to focus!

"focus Ria ,Focus"

i didn't notice My words slipping from my mouth a loud , not until Jack And 'rocket' stared towards me with nothing but fear, confusion And hate in there eyes ,

i just shurugged it off.

I Sat down and stared up at the cracked ceiling of the once was 'fun house'

Id been here many of times , in the same situation , Trying to do whats best , in this case ,keep these two away from camp ! i cant let them go there ,

I just cant !

and with that i left myself to wonder on my next move, with nothing but an old abandoned circus looking down on me to help me dive into my thoughts,

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry for the short chapter ! 

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