Chapter two, Unforeseen.

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Gemma's Pov :

Trying to sleep next to Mr fidget here just wasn't working for me, the sooner this flight is over  The BETTER !

"how many times are you going to pull your chair up and down until you realise that its the only motion the chair does ? "

I mean he 'jack' Was tugging at the chair leaver like it was the only thing holding him into the plane !

nudging me every time the chair was lifted up ,

All i could think of at this time was

" Stupid,stupid, plane ! "

Not that its the planes fault of course , but don't see why the manufactures had to build moving seats !

"I'm sorry , I'm just trying to find a position Were i feel safe, don't mean to annoy you "

So he WAS holding on to it as a safety net !

"Well if you was to move over on to the other seat  you wont bother me SO much ! , they do have three seats you know!"

He glared at me trying to figure out my sarcasm , i don't think he found it that funny !

He just shrugged his shoulders , turned away  and let out the most annoying and irritating sound EVER ! ..the  'I'm done listening to you 'sigh'

*mumble mumble*

"Excuse me ? Did you say something there tough guy ?"

Think id prefer the 'sigh' than a mumble under your breath, so cheeky.

" Oh nothing , its just , id prefer to sit close to you , you know , helps me feel better"

"Aw that's sweet, you just sit on my knee and you can tug on my leavers all you want , i don't mind ! "

He then let out a slight chuckle then dropped his face back to Mr grumps !

Think he found that sarcasm quite funny.

" So , how old are you ? You definitely don't act the age you look , you seem very shy n scared all the time"

Thinking back now, the way hes acting now makes him seem such a different person to when he was yelling at me in the terminal , as i did knock his bags over whilst legging it for the plane, wonder were that piece of bravery went?.

" I'm 21, and I'm only scared of flying , not of smarmy girls who THINK they own a seat on a passenger jet liner ! "

WELL i never ! Guess that answers my problem of were his bravery was !

"Actually, I don't think i own this seat , i DO own this seat , i paid for it, And i don't want you to be scared of me ! i don't want you to .. Anything ! Apart from keep bloody still"

I was boiling at this point , If i let my anger out right now i think id bring the plane down, But i wont give jack the benefit of the doubt of being scared !  or maybe giving him a reason to be scared wont make me so angry *confused*

" Ok , ok , ill stop being so fidgety, You win ! , .. sooooo , Gemma , Er rrm , how old are you" ?

GREAT, Now he thinks its OK for him to make small talk, Na ah ! not today ,mister ,

"Can i just sleep please, Oh wait , there is no point ! there's only ten minutes of flight time left ! great going buster now I'm not going to be able to sleep until i get to camp ! ..... I'm 20 btw!

" WHAT ? WAIT !  Your not going to haven dale camp are you ? .. please , please , please say no !"

OMG, I am going to haven dale camp ! this means i have to spend a whole summer with this shy, 'stoopid' Cant stop playing with seats , dude !

" Jeez , this isn't happening to me ! Yes i am , and lets get one thing clear, you don't speak to me, you don't touch me , when I'm walking, your not ! capeesh ? "


Jack's POV :

Oh god , guess that answers my question then, she IS going to the same camp as me, what the crackers am i going to do now , i cant spend summer with this loony !

The look on her face says that she is thinking the exact same thought as me ! and , of course she's just told me what she was thinking !


After been silent for almost 8 minutes the captain announces that we were about to land, then the seat belt warning lights came on !

*please fasten seatbelts *

this made me feel a whole lot bette and Miss looney bin next to me wasn't making me feel so safe anymore!  all i need now is the air masks to drop down and i will soil my self !

glad i wasn't sat at the window, this HUGE mass of earth was drawing closer and closer ! it was enough to make me feel really uncomfortable , Gemma didn't seem bothered much , the tension in her eyes just read ' let me off let me off'

I can't be that bad , can i ?


Gemma's POV:

" Well it's about time it may have been a bumpy landing tough guy ! but you made it , now stop ya blabbering, and don't seem so relieved .... you have to fly back yet ! "

I know he didnt have to go home for anther 6 weeks but drilling that into his head was well worth watching !

He snarled at me whilst brushing past trying to reach the doors before anyone else , not that getting off first makes any difference, but i quickly stood up and hastily followed.

"WOW" Gemma, you have to see this ! "

Jeez , i could see him gawping out the doors in amazement !

"What the hell could be so ......WOW !"

 Stood at the top of the stairs, staring in the distance was like you were stood in heaven !

nothing so beautiful has ever caught my eye as much as this view !

Definitely NOT what i was expecting , sunshine blue skies and the greenest grass , i thought camp was going to be in a woodland area and big rocks, well that's what it looked like in the brocher,  i didn't think a camp  could be in a place so astonishing.

" Maybe camp is miles away? all i can see is beach and green grass and,. and stuff "

"Yea , OK jack! , Guess we will find out , this was not what i was expecting!"

We then both looked at each other and simply stepped off the plane as if we were about to enter a whole new life !

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