Chapter Fourteen : Love in the ... Corn ?

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Jacks POV:

The sound of muffled arguments woke me up from the horrible sleep , I turned my head and focused on the angry blur ahead of me , Its really hard to focus with one eye but i can never open both eyes this early in a morning ,

Fussiness was moving rapidly in front of me and it took me a few seconds to realise Gemma was Lent over JJ rapidly punching Her , Oh My ,

"Gemma" I leaped up and sprinted across the dirt " What the hell are two doing ? get off her"

she didn't budge.

"Don't ever touch me again you stupid whore" Gemma screamed every ounce of air she had in her lungs were released , What the hell had i missed.

Ria Was just sat beside them doing nothing .

"Ria , What the hell , Stop them ." I yelled.

"I tried , I did , There is no stopping them , It was just a small argument and the next thing i know they are on top of each other creating a storm "

"You obviously didn't try hard enough " I sighed , you want something doing then do it yourself , normally i wouldn't lay a finger on a girl but in these circumstances ill make an exception.

I stepped forward only to step back again , how the hell am i supposed to jump in between these two if they wont detach their grip they had on each other .

JJ raised her arm and crashed it down onto Gemmas Arms releasing the grip she had on JJ's shirt , Gemma was too quick to let JJ do anything else to her and soon had her in head lock gripping jj's hair and dragging her to the floor , Stepping over her and sitting on her chest , she placed her arms above her head resulting in jj unable to move . Go Gemma.

Gemma sat up and gave me the right opportunity to wrap my arms around her and pull her off. kicking and screaming of course.

"What the hell ? Get off me Jack , Let me have her , Let me have her" She growled fisting the air in front of her , Yeah , As if she can reach JJ from here , I had pulled her back a good few yards ready to step in front in case jj made a run towards us .

"You need to stop" I hushed and swung Gemma around to face me , "look at me " She did .
"You need to stop "

"Aggggrhhh" Was her only reply , "Stupid whore" She yelled before stepping past me and headed for the corn behind me , Away from JJ .

I turned my focus onto Ria . "What the hell Ria , What happened" JJ continued to pant beside me as she fiddled with the mess she called her hair .

"It just all kicked off , i was only talking to her , And , And"

"Never mind Ria , Keep them away from each other."

I stomped off after Gemma, Who knows what she might do when she was angry , After all i had never seen her this pissed before , And i thought i had already experienced the full force of her anger , Guess i was wrong.

I pushed my way through the corn following the broken stems obviously leading to the direction Gemma headed , I could still hear her growling in the distance but didn't help in where she went.

Corn was Slapping me in the face as i carried on walking , thankfully it wasn't long until i reached a bald part of the corn , Gemma was now in sight taking all her anger out on a huge boulder , I placed my hand over my mouth and laughed , She was kicking the boulder with full force cursing all sorts of profanities . It reminded me of the day on the coach when the driver slammed us to a halt and she slammed against the seat in front of her , Yes the seat also got the full force of Gemma , The memory is funny .


"WHAT"   I flinched.

"Are you ok ?" Nervousness oozing out of my mouth.

"I'm fine" She gave one final kick to the rock until she keeled over grabbing her foot in pain, She sat down on the boulder and placed her chin on her arms.

"She just gets me so angry , arrrghh "

"I can see that" I whispered as i hesitantly sat down beside her. " But why?"

"Um Ria Was about to tell me something , The reason to why JJ is here , basically its the same reason as you and i but , She told me She didn't save JJ and that JJ saved her self"

"What do you mean ?"

"I'm getting to that ,"  She huffed "  She was about to tell me but JJ woke up and started going banana's on my ass , She had a good rant at Ria for telling her story then she said something about it was her who did it to this Adrian dude and not Ria ."  She paused ,  "And when i mean Went ' bananas' i meant Touching Ria Banana's , You know not to touch Ria right."

I laughed.


She was right , She still had a little bruising on her arm from where Ria had grabbed a hold of her , Scary women.

"Well , she was having a real good go at Ria , She didn't deserve that kind of treatment , We started arguing and then she called me a nosey ,,,,, Nosey "

"nosey what ?"

She hesitated , Leaned over and whispered the word in my ear.

"WHAT? That Evil COW"   I stamped to my feet , Screw the no hitting a girl rule , She was gonna get it. Well , until Gemma stopped me of course .

"No , jack please" She grabbed a hold of my arm and pulled me down beside her .

"just stay with me , Please .." her eyes were less angry now and more on the lines of sorrow.

"Ok , Sure ,"  I noticed tears began to flow from her eyes , Anger does some serious problems to girls.

" Are you ok , Gemma ? " her head lowered and again rested on her hands.

"I just cant do this you know , i want to go home , Why does it have to happen to me ? To us ?" she bawled.

I had no idea what to say , i was scared if i did i too would bawl my eyes out , i was scared too , i didn't want to die.

I just embraced her into a hug.

"Thanks jack" She struggled to gain her breath back and wiped her teary face on her sleeve.

"If you weren't here i don't know were i would be now"

"Still attached to a unconscious JJ more than likely"   She laughed.

"Nah , You want to know the real reason i hit her ?"  she looked at me, cheeks a rose red.

"What would that be?" I ask Curiosity taking over .

"I , I was jealous"

"Of what"

"The way she was talking to you last night, How she managed to gain all your attention in just five minutes , It really aggravated me , I know i know "   She flaps her hand in my face "  You were just helping but i couldn't help the feeling , I didn't want you to comfort her."

Her face drooped So low i thought she was going to head butt the floor .

"I wanted you to comfort me"   She mumbled and turned her head away.

I on the over hand was gob smacked , Had she really just admitted feelings for me?
I dont know what the feeling was but suddenly i wanted her , I wanted to comfort her .

"Gemma" I placed my hand upon her shoulder and rubbed my thumb gently in a circular motion .

"Please " She sobbed " I'm already embarrassed"

"Gemma , Look at me"

Her head slowly turned towards mine, Her hair swung down covering her face , i could tell she preferred it that way right now , I didn't .

"Lets move this shall we"  I whispered As i pulled her hair to one side revealing the stunning beauty within , Her Eyes glistened As fresh tears puddled up .

"Please" She trembled .

I placed a finger upon her lips silencing her straight away, I began to stroke her cheek until my arm reached to the back of her neck , her eyes closed almost immediately , I wasn't following , I wasn't going to miss this moment .

I cupped my hand around her neck and slowly but surely leaned towards her until my lips connected to hers , I cannot believe i was doing this , But i wanted to .

Gemma pulled away a little , Was she regretting my move ? It seemed that way until her arm grabbed hold of my arm and we found our self lost in the moment.

This was the best feeling i have ever felt, Even the horrifying circumstances we were in i wouldn't change this moment for the world.  

She was mine .

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