Chapter 7 : The truth is out !

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A/N :   OOO So are you going to find out the truth ?

There's only one thing you can do to find out :)

Don't forget to vote/ comment :) thanx  pj =D


Gemma's POV:

"That's Isobel " I Yelled in fascination , things were starting to fall into place.

"I knew she was glaring at us funny , I knew they was something too weird about her.

Jack just turned his head in amazement , i thought he was going to take the news better than i did 'Obviously not'

"Isobel as in the check in girl Isobel as in shes 'looking gurd' Isobel"

I hope he wasn't going to banter on like this , i do really need to focus i mean , Is Ria lying ? It does sound absurd !

like  How stupid is it really that we were purposely sent out brochers for this 'Camp'  Wich Does 'Sorta'exist but is not really a summer camp ?

I mean c'mon People inviting us just because we are orphans ? It cant be true.

"Ria , please don't mess with our heads like this , i just want to go to camp and have fun for six weeks !"

With a big huff Ria replied, "Huh , Look you got to believe me ! i am trying to help you , look ! i even have a photo of her in camp ! Shes not a nice lady  , and she does not like orphans , no one on this island does , they don't think they should be alive without a family not without there real family ."

"I have a fmaily , i have been adopted ! "

No matter how many times i tell her this , She doesn't seem to listen i get a different reply each time , it frustrates me to the bone !

"but they arnt your real family Gemma , not biologically, You need to listen to me , and i can help you, help you both "

Both ? Oh , I almost forgot Jack was here , He wasn't saying anything , You could see in his face he was trying to get it all in , as much information he could take.

I realize that i have been staring at him for almost A minute now , I can't help myself , first sign of trouble and here i am staring at jack , nothing on my mind but how beautiful he is , all this talk about orphans and Isobel has just fluttered away,

NO GEMMA, this is serious, snap out of it , You can't like someone at this time , NO nO nO

The mental block i was trying to use wasn't working , even the fear in his eyes were making me drool, mm , If only he was scared all the time , Id never look away.

Whilst i was on my Drooling mission I never noticed Ria had gotten up off the old log we were perched on , It was situated around an old camp fire , It must have been made whilst the circus was still open , Well i am guessing anyway.

her figure caught the corner of my eye which instantly brought me back from the world of 'Drool'

Ria walking any were was enough to freak anybody out of any sort of trance.

She seemed to be looking for something in my suitcase , WAit ! what !

"What are you doing in my suit case, Get out! " 

 Thats All i need right now , for her to bring out any more , And let me say 'Sexy' underwear out with what happened after this mornings fiasco !

"I need to find it , Its in here somewere , Jack Get me your belongings there's one in there too"

OH God , Now she has gone Crackers !  MM Crackers , i could just eat right now , Stop What are you saying ! Focus Gemma, Focus !

"Whats in my suitcase , What are you looking for ?"

Jacks words suddenly shocked me , i wasn't expecting him to say anything , I thought he was too lost in thought and too busy looking scared ! .. Oh how i wish he would go back to looking scared , He was soo Hot !

STop it !

"A tracker , They always put a tracker in your bags , We need to find them and discard them " 

 A tracker  ? What the hell , is she serious ?

"Why would they put a tracker in our bags?"

I say they , i have no idea who 'They' even Are  !

Ria suddenly stood still and gazed her eyes straight on to ours , perched her lips and began to breath slowly.

"I'm going to tell you once , and once only! , I am your friend, I'm the good guy in this ok ! They put trackers into your baggage at the airport , They have to , They will know I'm waiting for you guys and they know i will do everything in my power to help you, without me you certainly wont survive ! "

O My God , She said she was only going to tell us that once , And once is All i need to hear it ,

And with that i quickly rushed over to my suitcase.

"Move , You wont find anything if your babbling on will you "

Soon enough we will all Searching our bags , Not taking any Risks !



OK , so i know this chapter is abit lame ! But i just need to get things across to you guys ! Explain things abit ya know ! :)

SOOOOO What do you guys think of Ria now , Still think she a bad guy/Gal ?

Or is she telling the truth ?

Let me know , And don't forget to vote or comment this story would be nothing without you guys !


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