Chapter Ten: Kind hearted.

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Jacks , POV :

A Feeling of sadness came over me , I didn't know why i was stood here, in the dead of night  with my arms wrapped around some a strangers waist line , Comforting her ,  She looked so sad , Seeing her bawl her eyes out TO apologise to Ria for something that clearly wasn't her fault.

Although i didn't know hers nor Rias history with each other i automatically felt something for her , i questioned to Gemma as to weather or not i should ask if JJ was ok ,

I'd Heard Ria call her jj So that is What i will call her , I wonder if that is her real name ? i should ask her , But not now!

AN hour or so had passed And i was still cradling Jj In my arms , Only now We were slumped to the ground Instead of standing there like lost puppies ,

I couldnt Get Ria's Or Jj's Conversation out of my head , Isobel was here , And after her , After us !

I Got a sudden shiver Down my spine which Then made its way across my body , Jj must have felt this as she came out of her tired daze and turn her head to look at me, Her face was so close to mine I started to feel Sort of , ' Happily uncomfortable' Its the only way i could describe it ,  Her diamond eyes bore into mine filled with sadness ,That really hurt me , not that she was sad , but the reason is i am 'NOT' sad , I couldn't understand why , i should be , right ?

Ive been stranded here with no one i really know  , in a place i don't really know , But some how I'm not upset ,I'm a little bit scared ,but weirdly not for me , I was at first but i think that was just shock Now .

I am more scared for Gemma , I really have a soft spot for her , She is the only Girl I have ever met That Winds me up , Teases me , and Does'nt have a care in the world But yet i Enjoyed it.  

My thoughts Swirled around Gemma and me For a couple of minutes Before i Started to think back of our first day arriving here , Seeing Gemma Step off the coach  And flipping the driver off As he Sped off Leaving nothing but dust, The way She angered all Of her Strength Just to lift up one of her finger's And point it in the direction Of the bus Driver , Weather or not the Driver Saw her or not i will not know, What i do know is. I now Class Gemma As my Friend , and i hope I will always be there for her .

I Glance in the Direction Of Gemma , Seeing her Sprawled out on the floor ,A Few clothes spread over her , It wasn't as cold as  the previous Night we spent here but she still need something to be covered up With , I just hope One of her bras Or any other undergarments Didnt make a surprise appearance  Tonight ,I sure as hell don't want to embarrass her any more , For now , A

Cheeky smile came upon my face As i now remembered Gemmas face When i pulled her under Garments From Under me , The way her face Blushed A blossom pink , It was so Cute , Wait ! Why Am i thinking about Gemma ? Does she really have this effect on me ?

I think I'm over Tired,

As i Was Just about to get up and head for bed , I say bed i mean ' Next to gemma' , i Was stopped By something , Oh Yes , I forgot I was Still wrapping my Arms Around the new girl , Why ? Why was I even doing this ? I was only going to comfort her , But not for .. Three Hours , Or round about three hours , I didn't want to be with her , OH , How must Gemma feel , Me ...Being here ... With JJ .

I Managed to loosen My grip From around JJ As i started to slide Slowly  Away From JJ , She Was now Asleep ,I hadn't noticed her fall asleep , It must have been around the time of me thinking about  gemma's underwear , But i cant be too sure , either way i didn't Want to wake her up.

I Managed to lure myself away From the, May i Add Heavily sleeping JJ, As i was tying to move away from her i accidentaly Knocked her a few times , i don't know how the hell i did it without making her Stir , She just laid there , Eyes closed  With her hair laying gently half on her face and half covering the ground around her head , I almost bent down to check If she was still alive But she Rolled over on to her side Causing me to Sigh in relief As i turned on my heel's And headed in Gemma's Direction.

I looked Around just to double check that it was safe to lay down and go to sleep and Check that they was no one There ready to pounce on us and kill us , Meaning Isobel and the rest of the ' Orphan killers'  As my eyes Covered the area around us i came to the decision that everything was fine , and it was OK to Sleep , I knelt down on one knee  and pulled my Suitcase up to my Body , I unzipped the Zip on it Quietly Trying  not to Disturb the sleeping beauty next to me , By sleeping beauty i mean Gemma , Wait , Sleeping beauty ? Were did that thought come from Jack ?  Ive not even known the girl For four days and already shes a sleeping beauty ?

I need to shake these thoughts out of my head , i couldnt get close to Gemma in that way , I didnt even know if she liked me in that way , Even if she did , I would be too Shy and stubborn To do anything about it. I hated this side of me , The shyness of me , I called it a curse , i hated been shy when it came to my feeling's , Or towards girls for that matter.

I Finally managed to rip away from my thought's  and Drag a few clothes out of my suitcase and cover my Body with them  , I gently lay my Body beside Gemma's lifting my head up a little With a pair of Blue Checkered Shorts To use as a pillow And stared at Gemma's Back, A feeling Came over me And i couldn't Control it , I had the urge to Wrap My Right arm around Gemma's Sleeping Body and Snuggle up To her , The feeling took over me and Did what my heart told me to , I lifted up my arm An lovingly placed it over Gemma causing me to suddenly feel better and Warm , My finger Started to play With her hoodie Strings That Were Attached the the red Hooded jumper she was wearing , With every Twirl Of my finger MY eyes Began to Close, more and more i Tuned Closer into Darkness , Soon All i could see was the inside of my eye lids , I felt a smile appear on my Face , before i Drifting off into a Deep sleep.



Sorry for the short chapter :(

I have a lot on at the minute but i needed to upload for you all , Its been about a week or so Now ,

Hope You enjoy the chapter :)

Tell Me what you think ?

Poor Jack , scared of his Feeling Ey :(

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Pj =D

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