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  • Dedicated to Gemma wall

."And in other news,
Today marks the one year anniversary of the disappearance of Jenna-Jayde Hanson and Adrian Potts.
With still no sign of the teenagers police are showing signs of losing hope. Suggestions that detectives have been advised to focus on more recent cases come hand in hand with accusations that the youngsters had families, The cases would have been taken more seriously. The alarm was initially raised by the foster parents of Jenna-Jayde who have insisted that it would not be in her nature to run off with a boy. Concerns have been highlighted by authorities after a number of natural disasters claimed lives of travellers with all investigations remaining inconclusive."

"Jenna-Jayde and Adrian Potts where last Seen On c,c,t,v last year entering london airport,
Officials have claimed no more sightings have been confirmed of the two teenagers since, Along with 50 other Teenagers They were not heard from again ,
police have confirmed All of the teenagers missing were either orphans or were currently living in foster care,
An interview with Jenna-Jayde's parents was recorded earlier this evening.


"The first time we started to get worried was when we didn't receive any phone call from JJ , She had promised us to phone as soon as she landed or had arrived at summer camp."

"And Thats the place she was deffinatly heading , summer camp i mean ?"

"Yes , We booked her in earlier that year, She had always wanted to go and it was her 19 birthday , although it was far for her to travel we knew she was old enough but insisted she go with a partner and that's were Adrian comes comes in."

"What is the relationship between your daughter and Adrian Potts ?"

"As far as i am aware they are just close friends , We have always known Adrian ,he lived just around the corner from us, When we first Brought JJ from foster care he was the first person to welcome her home , A real sweet boy."

"As you know they are rumours Of a packed made by teenagers to run away together and start a cult made up of Fostered children or orphan children , Do you believe in this?"

"NO , Its stupid and idiotic , First JJ was happy , Second Why would Adrian Go along with JJ , He wasnt In foster care or an orphan , They both lived happy lives ,"

"As you are aware police officials have looked into the site 'Face book' And no group packed or face book page has ever been situated on the site , What does this mean in your eyes ?"

"I was sad at first , Full of grief that my daughter and her close Friend had disappeared i was kinda hoping they was a pack to all runaway together , At least then i know they would all be safe together although Teenagers in this situation have all disappeared they aren't no strong leads to this being true meaning my baby is out there some were in a place no fault to her own"

"So you do beleive what other people are saying and that your daughter and her friend have been taken by someone along with the other 50 teenagers?"


"Thank you Mrs Hanson"

"Police are starting to loose hope on the missing teenagers , No new leads have been brought into the situation until yesterday when another Two teenagers were reported Missing , Two teenagers also From foster care and orphan backgrounds , Names of the two have not yet been released ,"

"We will keep you all informed on future news , Channel Five news , Im Brent Cogburn , Good night."

Front page headlines :
:Missing Teens Rise above 40 ,
:New teens missing , Names confirmed to be 19 year old Jenna-Jayde Hanson and 20 year old Adrian Potts.
:Police at a dead end on hunt for missing teens.
:Two More teens disappeared, Will they be found ?
Ok ,
I did this chapter with a Huge help From my Good Friend Gemma Wall :) Thank you =D
I need some one Else's point of View on the story so my writing wouldn't seem to familiar with my characters , I think she did an awesome job as she hasn't really written before , i also did this chapter because i need to show you , yes you the fans :) That people Were still looking for the missing teens and weren't ignoring there disappearances .
So who's this Adrian Potts huh ? he wasn't With Jenna-Jayde when you guys met her ...dun dun dun , Maybe you will get to meet him one day , Or maybe not HAHAHA .
Where do you think he is ? hmmm .
Ok so enjoy the chapter , chapter twelve wont be too long until it is updated , :)

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