Chapter four : change of heart part 2.

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As we try and keep a safe distance between us and crazy girl , we also need to stay close so that we don't loose sight of her ,  we didn't have one clue were we was heading or were she was going to lead us , I also just realised i still have my arms wrapped tight around jack , hope he didn't think there was something to it .

I'm holding onto jack for dear life ! , I'm too scared to let go,and I'm not ashamed to admit it , i mean c'mon , I'm in a foreign country and we have just been taken off our coach in the middle of bloody nowhere and now is following scary Mary through some woods , My day just cannot get any better.

Jack turns to look at me and stares right into my eyes  , his eyes are telling me that he has clocked that i am holding his arm and that he thinks i like it , i decide to loosen my grip as i don't want to give him the satisfaction to that cheeky grin i can see is about to arise on his face.

" You letting go ?"

Sadness takes over him smile  and looks at me waiting for an answer.

"You want me to let go ?"

This is by far the most uncomfortable moment in my life, this is the first time i have looked at jack and seen real kindness and beauty  ,  his soft peach  skin blending together with his apple lips ,his chocolate eyes Are enough to make any one melt ,

i have also just realised i have just described my perfect breakfast , i guess he is yummy.

I giggled to my self slightly .. and it caught  jacks attention ,

"I don't want  you to let go , but if you find it funny  i guess you don't like it as much"

I did like it, i just didn't want to tell him that , but before i could answer we were both head over heels and covered in dirt as we both fall down a dike that separated two fields, thankfully it wasn't filled with water although it would have been a much softer landing ,

I quickly checked my self for any cuts  , and glanced over at jack

you alright j , boy ?"

I'm guessing he was, All i could get out of him was a little chuckle which grew louder and louder , soon he was rolling around in the dirt uncontrollably , hes laughter soon caught on to me and before i knew it we were both in hysterics, it was SO funny , reminded me of a movie were someone is casually walking and suddenly drops beneath their feet , this thought only made me howl even harder.

Jack soon started to untangle himself from me and other things that came victim to hidden dike , branches and things , i soon started to follow but got distracted by a shadowed figure above our heads ,

It was crazy girl , standing there  with a look of  acheivement  on her face , i just stopped moving and looked her straight in the eye.


Horror struck her face almost immediately , almost as quick as it took me to realise that she knew the dike was there , if she didn't i would be tangled up with her right now.

"Why didnt you tell us it was there ? "

She didn't say anything , She just turned around and started to walk off , which only made me angry even more.

I jumped out of the hole we were in and sped off in hot pursuit leaving jack to climb out of the hole himself , still chuckling to himself .

"OH no you dont lady, What is your problem ?

I caught up with her and grabbed her by the arm which is when she stood still and didn't flinch on little bit.

"We have been following you for the best part of two hours , you haven't said one word to us We dont  know  if you know  were you were going , i want answers!"

Just then she flew her arm round to grab my arm and lift it off hers, the anger in her face was almost eaten by her pain,

"Don't touch ria ! ria does not like to be touched"

And with that she flew my arm towards me and started to walk off again ,

She was extremely strong , strangely strong ,  her strength frightened me a little i was stood there startled and i didn't know what to do next ,

Jack soon caught up to me and had obviously seen the commotion.

"You alright ? "

I managed to turn my head in his direction.

"you see that ?  Shes gone totally bananas"

Jack let off a few slight smiles before replying.

"You only just noticed ? Shes always been bananas"

I guess he was right , But now i was certainly ok with her walking in front and not talking to us ,

It made me feel a whole lot better and safer at that matter  !

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