Chapter 2: Cuts and Bruises

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White is all I see when I open my eyes. I blink a few times to get them adjusted to the light. The air is cold and my nostrils are instantly filled with the smell of disinfectant. I go to rub my eyes, but I look down at my right arm and see a white cast on it. My left has an IV tube in it and I can already feel bruises on my legs. Great, now getting out of bed will be 3 times as hard.

Beep, beep, beep, beep.

Starting to get annoyed I look next to me and see a heart monitor.

Getting a little panicked I say, "What the frick frack just happened?" I look around and the room is empty, leaving my question unanswered.

All of the sudden the door opens and in comes an older woman in scrubs, which I can assume is a nurse.

"Oh good your finally up."

I look at her with my brows furrowed, "Why am in a hospital? What's going on?"

"Sweetie you were in a car accident. You're fine though, we've been checking on you throughout the day." She looks at me with pity and grabs the clipboard by the bed.

My heart started racing and I could barely breathe. That damn heart monitor sounded like it was in the middle of the Jaws theme song. God there's was so many things that were running through my head.

"What are you talking about? I don't remember any accident."

That scared me the most. I hardly remember what happened. Who was in it? Was I driving? Did they call Nessa yet? She's probably worried sick. I keep trying to rack my brain, but I'm coming up blank. This is not the time to reenact The Hangover, brain. Get your shit together.

I looked at the nurse who was now fiddling with the IV wires and asked, "Can I speak to a doctor?"

"Of course, I'll go get him." With that she finished doing who knows what and walked out and left me there in my thoughts. They were jumbled up so it just sounded more like static of an old TV before leading to those brightly colored striped lines.

After a few minutes the doctor walked into the room. "Hello Ms.Santiago, I'm Dr. Johnson, how are you feeling today?"

"Well I'm connected to a machine and have what seems to be a broken arm and brusing. I would say I've been better."

"You should be fine only a few cuts and bruises. The only real injury you have is a broken arm. The other ones weren't as lucky." He said with a pitiful look.

"The other ones?" I asked. I was getting even more confused.

"Ms.Santiago what do you remember from the accident?"


I closed my eyes and tried really hard to remember something. I remember some things but it was pretty fuzzy. With my eyes still closed I started telling Dr.Johnson what I could recall.

"Okay so, Andy and I were at the club having fun. Oh! Then we started having a little too much alco-fun and um Nessa came and picked us up." I continued talking hoping he didn't notice my slip up.

"Andy got into the passenger seat and I sat in the back. Um... I think my sister got a message and I grabbed it for her because Andy couldn't."

I stopped. It took me awhile to remember what happened but it finally came to me.

I wish it hadn't.

"I grabbed the phone but it dropped and Nessa went to pick it up to reply and......oh shit."

My heart started pounding and my breathing got shallow. I looked to the doctor ready to bust down some doors if I had to.

"Oh my gosh are they ok? Where are they?"

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