Chapter 8: They Don't Think in English

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"Hmm come on Mom, just five more minutes I'm having a good ass dream right now."

"Olivia don't use that type of language!"

Hearing my dad yelling caused me to quickly spring up from the couch. I looked over to see Vinny rubbing his eyes. I guess it wasn't a dream.

"Olivia would you like to introduce us to your little friend?" My dad asked with a stern look on his face.

"Um...well this is Vinny- I mean Vincent..." Damn what is his last name again? I never was good with names. Last year for the first 2 months of school I just called everyone by the word "Dude."

"Cooper, Vincent Cooper." I heard Vinny speak up to complete his name. Did we even give each other our last names? This does not look good on my part. Brought a guy home and I don't even know his full name.

I didn't even think they would be home at all today like usual. Why do things like this happen to me. First I get caught practically sleeping on Vinny like a matress and next thing you know he's meeting the parentals.

"Cooper? Is your father Benjamin Cooper?" Oh god, what is mom going on about now?

Vinny looked a little embarrassed,"Yep that's my dad."

"No need to be embarrassed son, your father is great mayor. He's living up to the Cooper name," Dad added.

Oh that's why. Wait that means his dad is Mayor Cooper.

"Isn't the town named after Mayor Cooper's, well your family?" I look at Vinny waiting for an answer.

Again he looked embarrassed. "Yeah."

"Woah, that's cool we live in Coopford, North Carolina and your a Cooper yourself. That's cool to have a whole town named after you." It's sad I'm just finding this out, especially like this.

"Sweetie the boy is obviously embarrassed enough, calm down."


My mother looked over at Vinny, "So what does your mother do? Im sure she's a lovely woman."

"Well uh, she passed away a few years ago, but before she was a nurse." Vinny looked down as he mentioned her passing but regained eye contact with my mother.

"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that." My mom looking guilty for asking that question.

"It's okay, and yes she was a lovely woman."

Feeling the awkwardness I decided to speak up. "It was fun getting to know each other and all but can me and Vinny go take a walk or something."

My mom smiled, "Of course go ahead. Vincent you are welcome here anytime."

I rolled my eyes knowing that my parents are most likely going to treat Vinny nicely just because he's a Cooper.

We stand up and adjust our clothes and walk towards the hallway that leads to the front door that is currently gaurded by my father.

"Don't come home too late," he says looking directly at me before moving to the side. I nod in response and look back at Vinny to signal "Follow me."

We walked out of my driveway and onto the sidewalk, not having an exact destination.

"I'm sorry about my parents. They're going to act a lil weird now that they know you're a Cooper."

"Weird?" Vinny questioned.

"Well more like kiss-asses actually." I laughed a little at how titles changed my mom's opinion on a person completely. It's ridiculous.

"It's okay, as long as you don't treat me differently, Ollie."

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