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" Pink Diamond, I'm through the barrier" Squeaked my walkie-talkie.
"White Diamond, I'm through as well!" Said pearl in a singsong tone.
"Yellow Diamond. I'm through." Said Jasper in her usual cranky voice.
As I had my hand on the controls, I would move them a certain way to make the ship move. When my hands moved the ships moved. It was kind of fun. Until you run out of gas. "BEEP BEEP!" Went the alarms on my ship. I reacted admedietly. My ship runs on crushed gems, so I can either crush my best friend or fly over to the next ship. I made up my mind and went with my plan. Since I can breathe in space, I grabbed Aquamarine in my arms and flew out the door of the ship. I flew over to the nearest ship. My wings hadn't fully been tamed yet so I could only use them for a little while. My wing went back while I was mid-flight. Only with my luck. I grabbed on to the bottom of someone's ship. I pulled myself up, with aquamarine still in my arm. I pulled open the door with my one free hand, let the both of us in, and closed it behind us. I fell to the ground in defeat.
"What happened to you guys?" Said citrine in her usual low voice.
"Ship. Went. Down." I said. I was out of breath, what else was I supposed to say? Pearl continued to focus on the ship as if her life depended on it. She always so concentrated. Never had any time for fun. I decided to take a nap since I was one of the odd gems that sleep. I closed my eyes and used my bony arm as a pillow. I slowly drifted into a deep sleep. Oddly, I had a dream about a little boy named Steven. Weird.

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