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I woke up in a place I've never seen before. There was a giant statue and a warp pad. Why was there a warp pad on wherever I crashed. I looked around the beach I woke up on and saw some buildings, some trees, Jasper! Finally someone that I knew.
"Jasper! Jasper!" I screamed.
"You're gems cracked." She said
"Yes. Do you know where Rose is?" I responded
"She took the warp pad back to home world." She responded. So while I was out they built a warp pad? Wow, impressive. I took the warp back to homeworld. Then I remembered, 'dang it I forgot to tell her about Aqua.' I walked around looking for Rose. There she was. She was talking to Peridot. She was talking about how beautiful the earth was. Too bad it was going to be ours soon. The air on homeworld seemed eerie, and cold.
"Uh, R-rose?" I asked.
"Yes Lapis?" She responded. I shivered. She was one of the first people I was going to tell about aqua. I told her about aqua everything that happened. I told her about how she tried to protect herself but her gem got shattered.
She started tearing up and tear fell caught it with my hand and I put it on my gem. I felt relieved that my gem was OK. I also told her about citrines gem being cracked. She was upset about it all. But I wasn't so sure. Even if she had cared she wouldn't of left me on the beach. She asked where Pearl was. I told her her gem was still on the beach. She told me to go back and to retrieve her gem. So I took the warp pad back to earth to retrieve pearls gem. I picked up off the sand and lightly dusted it off. I brought it back to pink diamond and she held it in her palms. She cried upon it and at the moment, pearl emerged out of her gem. She had leg warmers and a pretty little lace around her neck.
"Pearl, you look amazing!" I said
"Thank you." She said lightly.
"I have some bad news for you." I said with sorrow. Rose and peridot held onto pearls shoulders.
"Aquamarine didn't make it out of the crash." I said as I sighed out the crusty air of homeworld. I could tell pearl was upset.
"It's my fault..." She said.
"No no no! Of course it's not!" Rose said
"And the worst part is, I could've saved her." She said in tears. Peridot, rose, and I all hugged pearl at once.
"You guys are such good friends." She said with a stuffy nose.
"No one else could beat you."
We all let go of our hug and prayed that she'd be ok, and that nothing bad would ever happen to her. I know I'm going to miss that girl forever.

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