Inside the Gem

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When you're inside of your gem, you're in a whole new world. You do whatever you want. You do eventually have to pick out how you change. I was getting sick of my skirt, so I decided to have my usual crop top with diamonds. As for my skirt, I decided to wear a pair of high-waisted jeans that were ripped on the thighs. For my shoes I'm just going to wear a blue pair of sandals. But today, I'm going for an even bigger change. I'm going to lengthen my hair! Yup, everyone will be sooo jealous. Maybe... But still, I'll like how it looks.
Well I'm done with my changes. My gem works in a way that is hard to imagine. When I retreat into my gem, whatever I wish for with come true. I've heard about these things called 'amusement parks' one the earth. I've always been fascinated about what they are. So, I wished for one. An amusement park popped up right infront of me.
"Woah this place looks huge. No wonder humans like it." I said under my breath. The first thing I saw was a roller coaster. So I tried to go on, but who could make it go? "I wish for aquamarine." I said. She was gone, so I might as well see her for the last time. She popped up and I ran up to her and gave her a huge hug.
"I'm gonna miss you." I said
"What do you mean?" She said
"Oh... You don't know?" I said sadly
"Know what?" She said lowly
"Your gem. It's. It's shattered." I cried
"N-no. It can't be. I can't shattered!"
She was the most upset I've ever seen her. She sat on the cold hard floor of my gem, crying. She had her head in her knees and was sobbing. I gave her a huge hug and said, "every time I retreat to my gem, I'll make sure to wish for you everytime." I said. I felt so bad for her. I basically just told her she's dead and can never live again. So saying that was the most I could do. She was sniffling and trying to calm herself down.
"You'll really do that for me?" She said stuffily.
"Of course. After all were best friends, right?" I said, trying to cheer her up.
"Right." She said. She smiled at me and said," Isn't it about time you went back to the others?" She said.
"Yes it is." I said.
"Until next time." She said as she waved.
"I wish to return to the world." I said. I waved to her as I transported back to the place where we crashed.

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