The Unexpected Death

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"ERROR ERROR!" Screamed the alarms of pearls ship. I saw blue, green and white hurdling towards us. I looked out the side window of the ship. There were flames engulfing the ship. Pearl just sat at the controls without any emotion.
"PEARL, DO YOU SEE THE SHIP" I screamed over the ship
"..." She said nothing.
I went up to her and shook her by her shoulders. I looked her straight in her eyes.
"Pearl, you can do this." I said calmly.
I knew why she wasn't showing any emotion. She was too afraid to jump to the next ship over. I know she was capable of doing it, she was just worried. The blue and green were hurdling towards us even faster.
She stood still. We didn't have any time left. The ship hit the hard crust of the Earth. I slammed into the floor. My walkie-talkie was still somewhat useable. I was coughing and wheezing and trying to keep the life in me.
"B-blue Diam-mond here. Our sh-ship crashed. W-we need help admedietly." I said. I felt my back for my gem.
"Oh no!" I thought "My gems cracked!"
"Pearl? Citrine? Aquamarine?" I yelled.
I was lodged between two pieces of metal. I used my elbows to get myself unstuck. Pearl had retreated into her gem. I grabbed it and continued to use my elbows to move. What I saw ahead of me broke my heart. I started tearing up at the sight of this. I saw my best friends gem, smashed on the ground. It was shattered in pieces. "Aqua? AQUAMARINE?!" I screamed. I felt like I was going to throw up. I grabbed all the pieces I could find and put them in my pocket along with pearls gem. A couple more minutes of crawling I found citrines gem cracked by the exit. I put it my pocket as I pulled myself out of the exit. I stood up but admedietly fell to the ground. I layed down and stared at the sky. I tried to stay out of my gem and not retreat but I couldn't handle it anymore. I had to retreat. The last thing I saw short girl with blonde hair with a concerned look go over me. Then my vision went blurry, then dark.

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