Chapter 24

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*The next day*

Cassidy POV

"Keep it up!!" Mr. Thommas shouts. He's my fitness teacher.

"Almost there!!! Keep running!" He yells again enthusiastically.

My lungs are burning like hell!! You'd think that you could get used to running the mile, but NNNOOO!! I am almost finished! Just a few more steps!!!!

I sprint as fast as I can to Mr. Thommas, he is standing at the 'finish line'. Whenever I have to run the mile, I always save my energy in the beginning, then I use it all at the end!

When I reach Mr. Thommas, I am SO out of breath!!

He looks at his stop watch, and his determined smile on his face becomes even brighter!

"Six minutes and two seconds!" He shouts smiling  at me. YYYEEEESSSS!! I give myself a mental high-five. My last mile time was six thirty three!!!!

I let out a sigh of relief, and I throw my hands on my head. I start to walk one more lap to cool down.

Adrian notices that I finished, and he jogs up to me. He already finished his mile like a minute ago!

"So, what'd you get?" He asks happily.

"Six-o-two!" I say exhausted. I could barely breath those words out of my mouth!

"Nice! Don't mean to brag, but I got five-thirty-four!" He replies with a cocky smirk on his face. Usually, I would try to punch him on the arm, but I'm too tired.

A few seconds pass, and we pass Naima. "Yeah! Keep it up! You're doing great!" Adrian cheers, she probably can't hear him because she has headphones in, but she just nods her head, as she starts to pick up more speed. We are turning the last corner to the finish line, so I'm guessing that this is her last lap.

Once Adrian and I get back to where we started, we decide to head towards the bleachers.

"Hey!" Baden shouts waving his arms so that we will come sit next to him.

"Hey! What'd you get?" Baden asks me.

"Ugh! I know that you finished before me!" I say with a frown.

"But, I did beat my last time! I got six-o-two!" I say looking at Baden, who looks just slightly impressed.

"Well, I got five-thirty-six!" Baden replies sticking his tongue out.

"Yep! But I beat you!" Adrian brags, which makes Baden start glaring at him.

"I only got it because you touched me!" Baden says angrily.

"Dude, I just patted you on the shoulder, and then I sprinted right passed you!" Adrian explains pushing Baden over, so that we can actually sit down.

"I wonder what the others' got on their miles..........."

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