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So I'm glad everyone lived up to the deal to 21 votes,so I'll try to make this part good.And also so sorry I haven't uploaded in forever I was working on the story Thursday but yesterday and today I had a softball tournament ,so I hope you guys like this part and if you're mad at me you have every right to be because I said I would upload when I got 21 votes and now I have like 26 or something.So once again so sorry.

But I hope you like it!



Read Author note At the end of Chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!




"James! For the tenth millionth time you are helping me ,helping, not controlling, man I should have never agreed on letting you help me organize this." I said to James throwing my hands up in exasperation. We’ve only been here for 4 hours and I already want to kill him.

"Oh... you don't mean that Brooke, you know you love my company, and closeness," He said stepping closer to me to where he was pressed against my back.

"James you're so right I love your company.”I said turning around and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Mhm... I knew you'd admit it someday." He said putting his hands on my hips and starring down at me.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah.” He said and started leaning in. Right when our lips were about to touch someone coughed.

I pulled away and saw Zack he looked kinda mad.

Well the whole thing I was doing to James was 'spose to be a joke but guess not, thanks Zack for interrupting and stopping me from doing something stupid.(No sarcasm).

"Zack, hey, um, whataya doing here?" I asked pulling away from James.

"I thought I'd stop by and visit before I go to work." He said. "But if you're busy I can go." He said looking at James.

"Oh no I'm not busy me and James are just making plans and ideas for the shop." I said walking over to him and dragging him over to the table we were at.

"Wow these are great who did them?" He asked holding the drawings up.

"I did."

"No I did."

"James I drew them stop lying" I said. "Supposedly the greatest idea you came up with was getting a strip pole and me dancing on it during breaks." I said.

"Ya now that's not that bad of an idea." Zack said looking at me with a smirk on his face.

"Ha that's funny Zack" I said laughing, "Not!" I said slapping him on the back of his head.

"Ow. Brooke that hurt. Ya know for a girl you're pretty strong." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well I'm not like most girls 'cause last time I checked normal girls don't work in a mechanic garage." I said.



"So you and Scott?" Zack said looking straight ahead.

"He's got a name and no, there's no me and Scott." I said looking at him.

"Alright, sure." He said not looking like he believed me. "Didn't look like that back there."

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