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So how'd you guys like the last part?

Was it good?bad?alright?Tell me you thought about it.

Yes she gets crazy when she eats chocolate and especially when she eats chocolate and cheese put together.I know it's a weird combo but I love it!!! *pouts* 'Hey don't judge.'.'I'm sorry I eat weird foods please don't stop reading the story because of it,but I also use to eat ketchup on my eggs!'

Okay enough of that sorry! Lol but enjoy *Laughs evilly*'Muh ha ha' *starts coughing* 'Never doing that again.'

Well I really do hope you like this story.

And a special shout out to ToSynlnFaythe for starting Team Zack and Team Chase

So far it's Team Zack:1 and Team Chase 1

So who are you going for?May the best man win and whoever has the most votes by June 20th I will do a P.O.V. for!  'Won't that be exciting!?' 'It will be when you people vote so get to voting!!!!!!!!!!!'


P.S. I love you guys!  <3  :D 'Muah!'

'Here we go!Are you ready?!' 'Okay sorry I'll go!Jeeshe,tough crowd.'




"Hey, so who wants to play 'Dark Hide-and-Seek'?" I asked.

"What's that?" Zack and Chase asked, at the same time, they looked at each other funny.

"Well duh, it's where you play Hide-and-Seek in the dark." I said. "Jeez, what are you guys, mental?" I asked. 'These people are lame' I thought.

"Oh, I knew that, I was just testing you." Zack said.

"And, no, we're not mental." Chase said. "Well I don't know about Zack, he's been scaring me lately, and no, rein-check on Dark Hide-and-Seek." He said.

'Aw,' I thought.

"That's because I've been secretly doing your 'friend' over here." Zack said pointing at me.

"Hey! That's so not true!" I complained.

"Keep telling yourself that babe, you're just in denial." He said smirking.

"I am not in denial! You're just mad I won't let you get in my pants!" I said back smugly.

"You wound me 'again'." He said putting his hand over his heart.

"You guys are such baby's." Chase said.

"Oh really? Then if I'm such a big baby why'd you ask me out?" I said accusingly.

"Because I didn't know you were this annoying and acted just like my brother!" He yelled.

"That's not true! I'm way more maturer than Zack." I said.

"Whatever! No, you're not. "Maturer" isn't even a word."

"Yes it is, in my world." I said. "And my world the word wazzlez exists."


"Yeah like "Wazzlez is up' or 'Wazzlez up." I said.

"Well that's awesome-"

"Don't you mean awsomerz?" I asked.

"Where do I find girls like you?" He asked.

"Um. In the beverages aisle, buying Monster." I said.

"You weren't supposed to answer that."

"But you asked it." I said. He looked at me with a 'are you crazy' look. "And no I'm not crazy, I'm just high off of Monster and Chocolate-and-Cheese snacks." I said smiling sweetly.

"How'd yo-"

"It was all in your face." I said patting his cheek.

"Hey!" He whined. "Don't smack me."

"Oh don't be such a big baby." I said.

"Yeah 'bro' man up." Zack said, slapping him on the back of his head, like he did to him at the beach.

"So who wants to play 'Call of Duty'?" I asked.

They jumped up, "You have 'C.O.D?!" They both screamed.

"Yes, and I also have hearing that I want to keep." I said sarcastically.

"Sorry Brooke." They both said at the same time.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever, and yes I have C.O.D.! Who doesn't?" I asked in a 'duh' tone.

"You're right good question, only a lame-"


"Only a lamez wouldn't have it, even nerds have it." Chase said.

"True that brother, true that." Zack said.

"Well come on guys! Do you wanna play it or are you just gonna stand there talking like a bunch of girls?!" I yelled grabbing each of their arms and dragging them to the game room.

"Call of Duty' here we come!" Chase yelled.

*Two Hours Later*

"I can't believe you beat me in C.O.D.!" Zack yelled.

"Yeah! You are not to speak of this to anyone." Chase hissed.

"And what if it accidentally slips?" I asked.

"Then my hand will accidently slip around your neck and kill you." Chase said.

"I'm so scared; I think I went on 2 dates with a psycho." I said running down the hallway.

"Hey I'm not a psycho! Do you know how much it hurts a dudes pride to lose in 'Call of Duty' to a girl?" Chase asked.

"No but I'm guessing a lot, since you threatened to kill me." I said as he and Zack walked into my kitchen.

"Well it's getting pretty late, we should get going home. We'll walk, since it's only 2 blocks away." Chase said.

"Really? Only 2 blocks away?" I asked surprised.

"Yup, bye." Zack said, giving me a hug.

"Bye" I said hugging him back.

"Bye Brooke." Chase said kissing me on the cheek. "I'll call you tonight" he breathed into my ear and I shivered.

"Bye Chase." I said. "I'll be waiting."


So hope you guys like it and remember vote for your favorite brother So far it's Zack 1 and Chase 1.







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