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So,how'd you guys like it.?

Like or Dislike Brian.? I LOVE HIM.!! =]

*******Updated August 27,2011 Full Chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*******

So happy chappies coming up this and one and the next. Yay.! =]

So I was thinking about making something bad happen like not to bad but you know like an accident or something.  Just a little heads up about what you'll be reading.!  =P

So anyways.....hope you like this chappy.!

-Alexis.! =] <3



I just stared at her in shock and she stared back with a funny smile on her face that was kinda scaring me.

"What?"I asked when the shock was mostly gone.

She laughed and gave a big smile,"Gosh Bri,don't look so shocked,I said kiss me,silly."She said and tapped the tip of nose with her finger.

"You.Want Me.To Kiss.You.?"I asked raising an eyebrow at her.

"Yes,"she said leaning closer to me,".I.Want.You.To.Kiss.Me."She whispered her lips brushing against my cheek making me shiver from the ticklishness.

"You know you want to,I can see it in your eyes."She whispered leaning in,our lips only about an inch away.

"No Brooke,"I said turning my head away from her.

She pulled back away from me and scooted back so we weren't touching at all,"Uh,sorry Brian,guess I got caught up in the moment.I'm just gonna head to class now."She said coldly with no emotion and stood up.She had her mask back on the one I haven't seen for 4 years.

"Brooke it's tha-"

"Just forget Brian,It's fine.!"She snapped,"I'm use to it,the rejection,not being wanted.I'm so fucking use to it I love it!So just let me go love that the only person I can trust now and have loved for a long time has rejected me.!"She yelled and started walking away.

I jumped up and ran to her,"Brooke,"I said grabbing hold of her elbow.

"What Brian,What do you want from me.?"She asked quietly tears running down her cheeks.

I stepped towards her,"You,I want you,"I whispered then pressed my lips to hers.It was just suppose to be a simple kiss till she started moving her lips against mine so I did the same.She wrapped her arms around my neck and put her hands in my hair.I cupped her face in my hands and then I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance. She bit my bottom lip and smiled.I bit her bottom lip back and smirked when she gasped and I took that as my chance to slip my tongue in her mouth.Our tongues wrestled for a while but mine won because she gave up.I pulled then gave her a quick peck on her cheek.

"I think I should take you home,you've had a bad day,and I think you've had enough,"I said grabbing her hand and laced my fingers through hers and then kissed her hand.She nodded and stepped closer so she could lean her head against my shoulder while we walked.

"Sorry for yelling at you earlier Brian.He's who I should be mad at,not you."she whispered after a while.

I kissed her head to let her know I understood.

I smiled and couldn't help but think,'This is how it should've been from the start,me and Brooke,no Zack,no one.'


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