Hey Tuesday- Signed, Monday

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Hey Tuesday-

I'm sorry I haven't written in a while.  I know it sounds cheesy, but New York is so amazing!  I can't wait for a break from school, it would be great if you visited.  If you came, I would make sure you saw Times Square at night, lighting up the darkness.  I know you miss me, and I miss you too, but please be happy that I'm in New York now. 

Okay, I'm going to get to the subject that i've been avoiding: the kiss.  Yes, Tuesday, I kissed you.  I don't know what I was thinking, or why on Earth I did that, but I did, and what's done is done.  I'm sorry if that was a problem, but we're brother and sister.  That's the way it shoud be. 

It's cool that you made a friend, Tuesday, but why does it have to be Jamie Eberwhite?  We HATE her.  I guess if you guys are clicking, okay, but be careful.  Jamie is the hoarder of gossip, so  don't tell her anything super personal, because she's likely to  spill. 

I made some new friends as well, Tuesday: Maggie Caufield and TJ Parker.  I met Maggie in the alley when some guy was about to beat her up and mug her, and got her away from that guy.  TJ is her friend, I met him once we had ran about eight blocks.  so I guess we both made new friends. 

You won't like me saying it, Tuesday, but I like it here in New York.  In Tampa, I had fun, but I always felt sort of out of place, even with you.  I belong here, in New York.  You're still my best friend, Tuesday, but I need to branch out as well. 

I'll miss you, write back soon.



Hey Monday-Sincerely, TuesdayWhere stories live. Discover now