Monday-I'm not dead, but I wish I was

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Darkness was all I could see.  I tried to think...what was going on?  But my thoughts were so scrambled and incoherent I couldn't make heads or tails of it.  I remember Maggie warning me no tto dump her....and then being summoned ot the subway only to be attacked by TJ and his cronies for dumping her...

With a jolt I remembered Tuesday..was she okay?  I hadn't been able to save her, I couldn't do anything when TJ decided to take her back to the hideout.  Honestly, I had passed out before we got to the hideout.  I wanted to move, to go to her, make sure she was safe. 

"Monday, you need to wake up.  Please. your eyes."

I knew that voice....

"Tuesday?" I managed.

My lids fluttered open.  I knew automatically that we were in a hospital.  I also noticed that one eye was covered in a white swatch of cloth.  I reached up to remove it, but Tuesday grabbed my hand an pulled it down.  "Don't take your bandages off, Monday.  Your face was practically shredded when I dragged you several blocks and called an ambulance." she rubbed her thumb over my hand.  "The doctor's say you'll be okay, but that you'll have scars all over your face..."

I didn't say anything, but I picked up her bag and started rummaging through it.  I found a mirror and held it up. 

Holy hell.  Bandages covered the entire left side of my face, and were comletely soaked with dried, sticky blood.  I started panicking.  I felt like a dope, but if my face was this scarred....would it scare Tuesday? 

I had finally come to terms with myself after I broke up with Maggie.  I loved Tuesday.  All this time, denying my own feelings, holding back everything, it felt good to know how I felt.  

"I feel like Two-Face," I grumbled. 

Tuesday  laughed.  It was nice to hear her laugh again.  "Monday, you won't look that bad in any way.  And besides, you are still my beautiful big brother, no matter what," she smiled sweetly. 

I sat up a little.  "Yeah?"

She nodded.

"Because you're not my beautiful little sister to me anymore, Tuesday," I said.  She burst into tears almost immediately.  "I didn't mean it like that!" I said, trying to calm her down. She started to slow down  in the waterworks.  " You're more than a sister to me, Tuesday."

That's when it happened.

I kissed her.  She was shocked at first, but I could feel her reluctance melt away, and she kissed me back  wholeheartedly.  We heard the door open and pulled back, both of us looking flushed and embarassed.  My mother rushed in, still in her work clothes.  Tuesday must have contacted her. 

She ran to me, literally shoved Tuesday off the chair, and threw herself at me.  "Oh, Monday, what were you thinking?!  You could have gotten hurt, and you're lucky that Tuesday was there to help you!" she nattered. 

I saw Tuesday's hand hook around the edge of the bed, and she hoisted herself up.  "I exist, Ms. Wilson, thanks for noticing," she groused, spitting out a few loose strands of dark brown hair.  My mom didn't even notice her.  She just kept nattering on and on.  I tuned out.  I just watched Tuesday with my one good eye.  She simply pried her hair out of her blistex-coated lips, apply about three more coats of that junk (it makes her lips look good, but that stuff smells pretty bad), and drag over another chair. 

After about 10 minutes of senseless talking, my mother turned to Tuesday.  "Take him with you, Tuesday, please," she begged.

"HUH?" Tuesday and I said simultaneously. 

"Please, Tuesday.  Take him back to Tampa Bay with you.  He needs to go back for a while, away from this environment.  I'll pack a bag for you, Monday." Without waiting for a response, she was out the door, whoosh.  

Neither of us said anything for a minute.  Then i turned to her and grinned.  She smiled back.  "Road trip," I said in a high-pitched voice, trying rather unsucessfully to imitate her.  She just whacked me.  

I feigned sleep while she told the police everything: the location of the hideout, who they were, what they looked like, etc.  I was kind of pissed at myself.  Tuesday had put her neck on the line for me, risking getting injured like me, or rape.  I flet like a stupid, pathetic, terrible friend.  Hell, I'm not dead, but part of me wishes that I was.  I was an idiot.  I loved Tuesday, and I didn't deserve anything from her.  

Soon, I was on a plane, with Tuesday, at around 5:00 in the morning.  I was fighting to keep my tired lids open, and I turned to Tuesday to tell her what I was feeling.  

"Tuesday.." I trailed off, as her head hit my shoulder, and she let out a small purring noise.  It was like snoring, only a lot more delicate and not loud.  I sighed,and leaned my head on hers, thankful she was on my right.  I wouldn't have to put my icky bandages on her head.  Soon I was nodding off on her shoulder, heading for Tampa Bay.  Home.  My real  home.    

Hey Monday-Sincerely, TuesdayWhere stories live. Discover now