Monday-the adoption couple

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I sat in my room, rifling through the paper, looking for a suitable adoption couple.  Tuesday was out either with Bryce or shopping; I really hoped she was shopping.  I mumbled to myself as I shuffled through the ads.  I was glancing through a page, and was about to toss it aside when something down at the bottom corner caught my eye.

Valerie and Mason Revells

We have been married for 10 years, and have been trying to have a baby for five, with no results.  There was one miscarriage 2 years ago, and then nothing.  We are all for open or closed adoption, we will let the biological  parents choose.

Below that was a number to call them and set up an appointment.  I snatched Tuesday's cordless off her bedside table and dialed.  After two rings, someone picked up.

"Hello?"  it was a woman's voice.

"Hi, may I speak to either Valerie or Mason Revells?" I tried to keep my voice from shaking.  

"I'm Valerie Revells and how can I help you?"

"My name is Monday Wilson, Ms. Revells, and I would like to speak to you about your ad in the paper."

"That's an interesting name, and what I can I do for you?"

"My...ah, partner...doesn't want to keep her baby and we were hoping to talk to you about adopting it."

"I would love to meet both you and your partner.  When can you come over?"

"As soon as she gets back from grocery shopping, which is about-" I heard the jingling of keys and footsteps in the foyer.  "Now."

"Fabulous.  The address is in the ad."  She hung up.  

I scanned the ad and scratched the address on my hand.

"Monday?" Tuesday's voice floated up to me from downstairs.  "Are you home?"

I walked downstairs to her.  "Welcome home, bright eyes," I said, taking her in my arms and gently dipped her.  When I pulled her back up, I kissed her lips lightly.  

"Wow, Monday," Tuesday said while she put the grocery bags on the formica countertop.  She started unloading, and I pitched in without a second thought.  "that greeting was...enthusiastic."

I just smiled at her.  

Once the groceries were put away, I took her hand.  "Let's go."

"Go where?" she said, fussing with her shirt.  She was always doing that these days, ever since she had started to show.  

"You'll see," I said, knowing she would hate that response.  She scowled at me and picked up her keys. 

"Do you want to drive or shall I?" she asked me, twirling the key ring around her finger.

"I'll drive, because I know where we're actually going."  

"Ugh!" she whined, slouching down in the passenger seat.  "Even if you're completely justified like I am, kicking your head off is still not entirely right."

I burst out laughing and started the car.  After a few minutes of quiet, I had to break the silence.  "How did you deal with Bryce?" I questioned, hoping her pregnancy had gotten the better of her and she had all but taken his head off. 

"I talked to him," she said.

"Yeah? And?" I urged.

"And what? I just talked to him.  It's fine.  We're all good now."

I tried to mask my disappointment. "Oh.  Well, I was hoping you'd get the point across a little more than just talking to him."

She shot me daggers with her eyes.  "Monday, be serious here!  I wasn't going to take his head off for crushing on me."

Hey Monday-Sincerely, TuesdayWhere stories live. Discover now