Tuesday-And I thought I was the moody one

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I gnawed at my nails, my leg bouncing, my free hand resting on my stomach.  I was SO NERVOUS.  Sitting here, waiting for the ultrasound technician to call us in, squirt goo on my stomach, tell me the gender of my spawn, and tell me about any mutations it might have, was the most nerve-wracking thing I had ever done, more unnerving than my geometry midterm.  All that was nothing, however, compared to Monday.

His expression was strained, like he had to go to the little boy's room or was going to have a baby or something like that.  Hey, I was the one who was going to have the kid and then hand it over to Valerie and Mason.  I went back to biting my nails like I was on a cuticle diet.  When I felt like I was about to explode, I felt something.

Something just nudged my hand...from my insides.  And I'm pretty sure it wasn't digestion. 

"OH MY GOD!" I shrieked, so loudly that Monday jumped in surprise and toppled off of his chair. 

"What?" Monday said, grabbing my hands.  "What is it?  Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine..." I said, still a little dazed.  "It's just...he moved."

Monday's hands flew to my stomach, just in time to feel it move again.  To my utmost surprise, HE burst out crying.  Uh, wasn't it my job to be a blubbering mess?  

"MIss Tuesday NIlson?" the technican poked her head out into the waiting area.

"That's me," I said.  She raised her eyebrows, clearly surprised to see a fifteen-year old with a uniform on, having a teenage boy touching my stomach and sniffling like a baby.  I stood up and took Monday's hand.  "Ssh, Monday, stop crying.  That's my job," I gently stroked his cheek.  

We walked in and the technican asked me to lay down.  I rolled up my shirt., wincing slightly at the stretch marks and overall size of my stomach.  I was only 5 months pregnant as of today, but I was still embarassed.   

"This will be a little cold..." the technican said, shaking a bottle of goo.  I yelped a little when it touched my stomach.  Good god, had this thing been stored in dry ice?  It was SO COLD.  "Alright, let's see here..." she muttered, placing the light up thingy on my stomach.  "There is your child."

The screen lit up with an ultrasound of my baby...I mean, the baby.  I wasn't keeping him...her...it. 

"Can we know the gender yet?" I asked, trying to keep the whiny tone out of my voice.  "Valerie and Mason are anxious to know."

"Are Valerie and Mason your friends at school?" the technician asked politely. 

"Um, no.  They're the adoptive parents."

"I see.  That's a very brave move.  So many people are afraid to give up the baby, that they keep it even if they aren't ready."

I shrugged, ignoring the nagging thought at the back of my mind.  "What's the gender?"

"Congratulations...it's going to be a boy."

I started crying.  I couldn't help it.  I turned to Monday. "This is great, Monday.  A boy, just like we wanted. I can't wait to tell Valerie and Mason."

"Are you sure that's what you want, Tuesday? We can still keep it." he wiped away a few tears of his own.  I smiled a little at his unusual display of emotion.  Finding a guy who's not afraid to show his emotions is hard enough, but one who cries willingly?  Definitely something else.  

"I'm sure, Monday," I said, and I had a shattering realization.  It was true.  I was sure, right now, at this moment it time, that Valerie and Mason had a son.  Or would have a son. 

Hey Monday-Sincerely, TuesdayWhere stories live. Discover now