Tuesday-Write a Letter, Birth a Kid. Joy.

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*Three Months Later

I exhaled heavily, only to find that it was the bridge to another labored inhalation.  Gawd, why was breathing so hard? The doctor had told me I was fine, and I trusted Dr. Grey. 

"Here," Monday said, handing me a folded sheet of paper.  "I typed up the letter for you."

I smiled weakly.  "Thanks," I mumbled, sliding the sheet into my hoodie pocket.  This hoodie was the only one that fit me anymore, since I was due any day now.  Technically, I was due yesterday,  but my water hadn't broken yet.  At this point, we were just waiting.  

In my room, there was me, Monday, my mom, Jamie, Bryce, Valerie, and Mason all sitting around.  I wanted all of them there at the hospital when I pushed this kid out of my you-know-whats.  I was getting tired of waiting, especially when I felt like shit. 

Thankfully, they didn't have to wait too much longer.  Why?  Because at 4:20 pm on Wednesday, September 15th, my water broke.

I gasped.  My sharp inhalation was the only sound throughout the entire room. 

"Is the baby kicking again, Tuesday?" my mother said.  I shook my head. 

"Get me to the hospital," I managed through clenched teeth. 

"Why?" everyone asked.  Idiots. 

I hissed in pain as the first of my contractions came.

"My water just broke," I said. Everybody sprang into action.  Monday scooped me up into his arms, my mom and Valerie grabbed their keys, Jamie snatched up the camera, and everyone bolted.

Everything was blurred and muted once we were there. The only thing I could focus on was the excruciating pain.  I was probably screaming, because 1) I was a screamer, and 2) this was HELL.  Somewhere in  the back of my head, I registered being laid down on the hospital bed, and people shouting.  I felt Monday holding my hand, and Valerie, my mom, and Jamie were there, surrounding me as best as they could with the doctors and nurses dealing with this. 

"Stay awake, Tuesday, don't you dare try to leave me!" Monday was saying that to me, and I wanted to stay awake, but everything was a big, slippery blur.  Everything swam, and went black. 

Just before I blacked out, I heard Monday's voice screaming, "TUESDAY! NO!"


The funny thing about dying is that it's a whole lot less painful than you think for the most part.  Usually the pain happens before your life fades.  Refusing to die, on the other hand, sucks balls. 

I could feel death trying to drag me down.  It was like a big, black blanket.  No more life pressures.  No dealing.  Just eternal peace.

Even though that sounded great right now, I knew I couldn't just die.  That would mean losing too much.  I would never finish growing up.  I would never have the life with Monday I had wanted.  I would never make my father proud.  Yeah, he was dead, and if I died, I would see him, but I would never make him proud the way I wanted to. 

I could feel myself slipping.  My mind started clawing its way out of the balckness, towards the surface.  Once I got there, I felt numb.  Had I screwed up?  Was I dead?  The I heard a voice:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wilson.  She's gone.  We'll give you a few minutes, then I'm afraid we have to take her to the morgue." I heard footsteps clatter off down the hallway.  Um, excuse me?  I'm ALIVE!

"Tuesday..." said a voice.  Monday.  His voice was thick with tears.  I tried to call out to him, but I couldn't for some reason.  "Please, Tuesday, please...come back.  Can you hear me?  Wednesday-your son-is fine."

Hey Monday-Sincerely, TuesdayWhere stories live. Discover now