Monday-It's for her own good

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I turned around, breathing heavily.  I had just done the last thing I would ever want to do in the world.  I had broken Tuesday's heart.  It wasn't my choice.  It was for her own good.  She needed to move on.  I wasn't good for her, with new friends and a girlfriend.  That didn't make me feel any better about this. 

"Well?" Maggie stood in the doorway, hands on hips.  TJ was behind her, arms folded.  "Did she buy it?"

"Yeah...she despises me now," I admitted, hoping for some sympathy.  Instead, Maggie smirked triumphantly. 

"Good.  I can't be your girlfriend if you're still friends with that little bitch.  You two are too close for me to be comfortable with your friendship." She crossed the room, the heels of her boots clicking on the hardwood floor of my room.  She grabbed my shoulders, spun me around to face her, and kissed me full on the lips, catching me by surprise. 

She pulled back, and whispered, "You make me happy," turned, and glanced at TJ.  He nodded slightly.  "C'mon, Monday, let's go."

"Uh...go where?" I was absolutely confused.  She kisses me, then drags me along to a little outing with TJ.  Weird. 

"We have some unfinished business with that guy you saved me from," Maggie explained, finger-combing the ends of her long red hair. 

"He needs to learn to never mess with us again," TJ said.  "You also get to meet my boys, James and Eddie," he finished.  A little confused, I followed Maggie as she flounced out the door.  How was she going to help "teach him a lesson" in her slinky skirt and scoop neck tank?  Really..I didn't get why she wore such slutty-looking hooker getups when  she went places with TJ. Better yet, why  did she dress like a 'ho in the first place?

Tuesday would never dress like that, I thought to myself.  She would never wear such tight, revealing clothes.  She could be appealing when she wanted to, but she was tasteful.  I like Maggie, but...really, c'mon, can she at least be 2 degrees less promiscuous?

We had arrived at the alley where I had found Maggie in the first place.  She put a finger to her high-glossed lips, walked in alone, leaned against the wall, and waited.  TJ motioned to me, indicating that I was to stay here and be on gaurd.  He slid through the alley and vanished into the shadows. 

After about ten minutes or so, the same guy I had torn off Maggie walked into the alley, spotted her, and stalked over to her.  My legs itched to Torpedo him right then and there, but I did as TJ told and stayed on gaurd, waiting for his signal. 

"Hey, little baby," he said, a slight edge to his voice.  "I see you changed your mind about my offer," He said, leaning toward her, causing her to press her backc against the wall, terrified. 

"Yeah.  I changed my mind.  Leave my friends alone, especially the blond guy who knocked you out, and I'll do whatever you want.  And if I decide to not do  what you want, I'll get you the money.  Every cent, I swear." 

"Okay, baby.  But if that blondie friend of yours tries to attack me again, I will kill him. Understood?"

I saw terror, uncertainty, and concern flash in her eyes, but she nodded.  I glanced toward where TJ was hiding, but there was no movement. 

This guy leaned toward her.  I growled under my breath.  Maggie was my girlfriend, and she was doing this just so we could beat on him?

"NOW!" TJ shouted, streaking from the shadows like a black cat in the dead of night.  I threw myself into the fray, throwing myself between Maggie and the Incredible Hulk, and my fists were flying.  The edges of my vision were tinged with scarlet, and everything was a blur.  Soon, he was out cold. 

"Dude, you are a machine!" crowed TJ, nudging Mr, Huge with his foot to make sure he was out.  "That was awesome! You were going so fast I didn't even get any good licks in!" he patted me on the shoulder.  "I like you, man! More so than when I first met you!"

"Y'okay, Maggie?" I asked.  I didn't care too much about how fast I had put Arnold Schwarzenegger down, I  wanted to make sure Maggie was okay. 

"I'm fine," she said, flashing me a brilliant smile.  "Hey TJ, where are James and Eddie? I thought they were supposed to help us out," she said.  Turning to me, she continued, " But you don't need any help, you macho thing." I could feel my face heating up. 

"We're here," said a guy, who emerged from the shadows with  another guy.  "We were about to jump in when  he-" the first one jabbed his thumb toward me-"took out Saw pretty quick."

The two introduced themselves.  The first one, with jet-black hair and green eyes, introduced himself as James, and the brunette with blue, slightly bugged out eyes, was Eddie. 

"Welcome to the group, dude," said Eddie, digging into his pocket and pullig out a bag of pot.  A few were already rolled.  I gulped...but I was curious at the same time.  Eddie passed the bag around, and pulled out a lighter.  He lit his and passed it to  me.  I imitated what he did, and lo and behold-it lit.  I handed it to Maggie, who lit hers and took a long drag.  I took a tiny puff and immediately started coughing.  It was like licking an ash-covered barbecue.  So while everyone else filled their lungs with poison, I pretended to smoke mine, and eventually just snubbed it out on the wall and flicked it behind me. 

"So..." Maggie said, linking her arm with mine and dragging me aside.  "How do you feel?" 

"Huh?" I was still woozy from smelling the pot. 

"It was your first joint, right?" she asked.  I nodded.  "How do you feel? What did you think?"

"I feel sick, and it's like licking a barbecue," I said honestly. 

"Yeah, it's an acquired taste.  But I know it makes me feel like doing this," she said, and pulled my lips down to hers. 

It was great to be accepted, and to have Maggie's attention.  But I couldn't help thinking about Tuesday.  I had hurt her, more than anything else had ever affected her, and I was supposed to be her best friend.  It's for her own good, you twit. I told myself.  Without you, she'll be stronger.  Despite this, I knew in my heart it wasn't true. 

I couldn't go on without Tuesday, and she would be broken  without me. 

Hey Monday-Sincerely, TuesdayWhere stories live. Discover now